Registration is now open for KSDE’s Great Ideas in Education conference, July 28-30, at the Hyatt Regency, in Wichita. Don’t miss this critical opportunity to kick off the new school year primed for success. Click here to register.
KSDE has been promoting the importance of building coherence in Kansas’ school improvement efforts to effect meaningful change. That coherence must extend to the function and purpose of KSDE’s annual conference.
The Kansas State Department of Education is hosting “Connecting the Dots...For Learning,” March 3-4, in Manhattan. The deadline to register is Feb. 24.
This assessment conference will offer real-world practice sessions featuring teachers, teams, and systems from across Kansas who have embraced proven assessment practices to support teaching and learning. Teachers, leaders, and technical support personnel will learn more about how formative assessments are the foundation to a balanced assessment system.
In collaboration with the Kansas educational learning centers, KSDE is offering structured literacy professional learning now and into this spring.
These sessions are at no cost to the educator and provide a half of a graduate credit for each day of participation.
FastTrack screening assessments to be renormed
Renaissance plans to renorm all FastTrack screening assessments prior to the 2025-26 school year.
This includes aReading (K-12), aMath (K-12), CBMReading (1-8), CBMmath Automaticity (1-12), AUTOreading (K-12), earlyReading composite (K-1), and earlyMath composite (K-1).
The plan is to release the norms prior to the start of the 2025-26 school year.
Contact Jeff Lancial,, with questions.
18: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
19: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
19: KSDE CNW “Wellness Wednesday,” 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link. Passcode: 512850. Contact Holly Steinlage,, with questions.
19: Data-Driven Success - Unpacking Literacy Assessments for Maximum Impact (K-12), Greenbush, in Girard. Register here. Contact Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
24: Deadline to register for “Connecting the Dots...For Learning” assessment conference, March 3-4, Hilton Garden Inn, in Manhattan. Contact Chelsea Pelfrey,, or (785) 296-0040, with questions.
The Kansas State Department of Education is hosting “Connecting the Dots...For Learning,” March 3-4, in Manhattan.
The final EDCS in-person training (not on Zoom) for the 2024-25 school year will be 8 a.m.-noon, on Feb. 12, in the Denison State Bank building, 3675 74th Street, in Meriden. It is hosted by Jefferson West USD 340.
In collaboration with the Kansas education service centers, KSDE is offering professional development opportunities this spring to support the Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA) school improvement efforts and literacy initiatives prioritized by the Kansas State Board of Education.
There is no cost to attend these sessions and lunch is included. A half unit of graduate credit can be received for each day.
Kansas educators interested in a FastBridge session below, but are unable to join can use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5.
Each FastBridge district can request an administrator workshop on topics such as onboarding, data reviews and more. Schedule it by using the form and select option #6.
10: Kansas Clean Diesel Program funding applications due by 5 p.m. CST. Contact with questions.
11-12: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials.
12: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
12: KSDE CNW “Wellness Wednesday,” 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link. Passcode: 512850. Contact Holly Steinlage,, with questions.
13: Farm to School regional workshops, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Kansas City. Contact Barb Depew,, to register and for questions.
A new direction. A new date. A new event for district and building leadership teams.
Big changes are coming to KSDE’s Great ideas in Education Conference, and we think you’re going to like them.
A training session is scheduled for Feb. 5 on how to submit the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) and Spring Vacancy Report (SVR) in the Educator Data Collection System (EDCS). This training is geared toward “EDCS beginners,” but anyone can attend.
Brookes Publishing and the Kansas Inservice Training System (KITS) are offering a training session in February on effectively using the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children, Third Edition® (AEPS-3®) to collect data and develop goals to guide instruction.
Kansas educators interested in FastBridge sessions, but are unable to join can use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5.
31: Curriculum leaders meeting, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Bishop Professional Development Center, in Topeka. Register here. Contact Pat Bone,, with questions.
5: Educator Data Collection System (EDCS) training, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Those attending in-person need to contact Leslie Bruton,, or (785) 296-8011, to register. In-person training is in the first floor board room, Suite 102, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, in Topeka. Those attending virtually: Click here for the Zoom link. Meeting ID: 876 8995 0847
5: Early Childhood virtual ECHO Series, 12-1 p.m. Register here. Contact with questions.
6: Farm to School regional workshops, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Lyons. Contact Barb Depew,, to register and for questions.
A new direction. A new date.
This is the final reminder for administrators of Local Consolidated Plans (LCPs) to register for the Jan. 28 quarterly meetings.
The mandatory Fiscal Year 2024 annual reporting survey for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds is now open.
The Qualtrics survey link has been sent via the ESSER listserv. The deadline for submission is March 7.
A training session is scheduled for Feb. 5, on how to submit the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) and Spring Vacancy Report (SVR) in the Educator Data Collection System (EDCS). This training is geared toward “EDCS beginners,” but anyone can attend.
This session will be offered via Zoom and also simultaneously in-person in Room 102, first floor board room, at the Kansas State Department of Education, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, in Topeka.
A three-part series of virtual trainings focused on young learners and strategies to address behavior in the early childhood setting will be offered in the coming months using the ECHO model of tele-mentoring. This professional development opportunity is hosted by Telehealth ROCKS of the University of Kansas-Medical Center.
23: Child care northeast regional roundtable, 6:30-8 p.m., Shawnee County Health Department, JP Lewis building, training rooms A and B, 2600 S.W. East Circle Drive, in Topeka. Register here. Contact Meghan Kluth,, with questions.
24: Structured literacy training, Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
24: Introduction to ASQ training, virtual, 9 a.m. – noon. Click here to register. Contact Stacy Clarke,, with questions.
27: English Language Arts training, Greenbush, Girard. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
Two training events are scheduled in the coming weeks for how to submit the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) and Spring Vacancy Report (SVR) in the Educator Data Collection System (EDCS). This training will be geared toward “EDCS beginners”, but anyone can attend.
Early childhood professionals, caregivers, community members working to support local child care efforts, and anyone with an interest in child care in Kansas are invited to join a regional roundtable event to share your experiences with child care in your region.
Registration is now open for the following third and fourth quarterly meetings for administrators of Local Consolidated Plans (LCPs).
If interested in a FastBridge session listed below, but are unable to join, use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5.
16: Kansas Preschool Pilot grant application due. Contact Natalie McClane,, or Amanda Petersen,, with questions.
17: English Language Arts training, ESSDACK, Hutchinson. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
17: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)/Title III needs assessment survey due. Contact Emily Scott,, with questions.
18: Deadline to register for Innovate Next Steps: Pre-K-12 Learning conference, Feb. 8, at Bethany College. Click here to register. Contact Alan English,, or (785) 227-3380, with questions.
Renaissance has consolidated their legacy customer support systems for all products into a new, comprehensive system. As of Jan. 1, all support requests are handled via the new system to provide a more seamless experience for all cases for a customer’s account.
All Renaissance support emails, website addresses, and phone numbers will remain unchanged so customers can continue to access support with no downtime in service.
Upcoming FastBridge virtual trainings:
9: KSDE offices closed for National Day of Mourning.
9: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean School Bus Rebate Program applications due by 5 p.m. CST. Click here for more information. Contact with questions.
9: English Language Arts training, Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
13: Structured literacy training, Greenbush, Girard. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
13: KESA virtual monthly update, 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Click here to join the Zoom. Contact for more information.
14: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
14-15: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials.
A “What’s New with HirePaths?” webinar has been scheduled for 12-1 p.m., on Jan. 8. Click here for the Zoom link.
HirePaths introduces Kansas kids of all ages to high demand jobs our state will need in the future. Materials are free for educators and families to use.
Veteran educators, anyone considering a career in education, and anyone in between is invited to Bethany College’s education conference, on Feb. 8.
The deadline to register is Jan. 18.
Attendees will have an opportunity to earn graduate credit, obtain professional development points, collaborate and network with other educators, and learn more about a career in education.
Renaissance has consolidated their legacy customer support systems for all products into a new, comprehensive system. As of Jan. 1, all support requests are currently handled via the new system to provide a more seamless experience for all cases for a customer’s account.
8: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
8: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage,, with questions.
8: HirePaths informational webinar, “What’s New with HirePaths?”, 12-1 p.m. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Kristin Brighton,, or 785-587-8185, with questions.
The Kansas State Department of Education and the Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (KPIRC) are offering new live virtual trainings to deepen educators’ knowledge of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ®).
Engaging with families to build strong relationships and support early childhood development is a key strategy to support young children’s success. The ASQ® questionnaires provide a snapshot of children’s developmental milestones and can serve as a powerful tool to support kindergarten readiness.
The next curriculum leaders meeting will be on Jan. 31, at the Bishop Professional Development Center in Topeka. Register here by Jan. 17.
To streamline the customer experience, Renaissance is consolidating their legacy customer support systems for all products, including Nearpod, into a new, comprehensive system. Starting Jan. 1, all support requests will be handled via the new system to provide a more seamless experience for all cases for a customer’s account.
Reminder: If your district has not used allocated virtual professional development hours, schedule a session from the Professional Learning Catalog by Dec. 31. To check if this applies to your district, watch the recording at the 1:37 time stamp.
You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you must schedule it before then so that it does not expire.
Contact for more information and/or schedule sessions here.
1: Educator Data Collection System (EDCS) opens for submission of the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR). To access EDCS district training resources (including both PDFs and videos of specific EDCS topics), click here: Licensed Personnel. Contact Leslie Bruton,, or (785) 296–8011, with questions.
Mark your calendars for the following dates and locations of the 2025 and 2026 curriculum leaders meetings.
Important note: All Renaissance and Nearpod support emails, website addresses, and phone numbers will remain unchanged so customers can continue to access support with no downtime in service. Contact Renaissance Support or Nearpod Support with any questions.
Reminder: If your district has not used allocated virtual professional development hours, schedule a session from the Professional Learning Catalog by Dec. 31. To check if this applies to your district, watch the recording at the 1:37 time stamp. Please note: You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you must schedule it before then so that it does not expire.
If you are interested in a FastBridge session below, but are unable to join, use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5.
17: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
17: Structured literacy training, Smoky Hill, Salina. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
18: Science collaboration for science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
19: Transportation basics workshop for transportation directors and supervisors, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Bishop Professional Development Center, 3601 S.W. 31st Street, in Topeka. Register for free here. Contact Keith Dreiling,, with questions.
Kansas high school students are invited to participate in a special event, Dec. 9-14, to sharpen their cybersecurity skills while having fun.
Hosted by the Kansas State Department of Education in partnership with EnterpriseKC’s Heartland Cyber Range and Wichita State University, a virtual “Capture the Flag” (CTF) event offers a thrilling, hands-on way to dive into topics like encryption, network security, reverse engineering, and programming. Plus, who knows what other surprises might pop up?
The next Kansas curriculum leaders meeting will be on Jan. 30, at the Bishop Professional Development Center in Topeka.
When the curriculum leaders met on Nov. 15, Caitlyn Sharp of The New Teacher Project (TNTP) discussed the coordination of work they are developing with the Kansas State Department of Education. Her presentation included highlights of TNTP’s newly released report, The Opportunity Makers.
To encourage teaching science in a rural area, Fort Hays State University is offering scholarships to individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree in science and are considering a career in teaching.
This competitive award program will award recipients a $24,066 stipend to complete coursework that will lead to full teaching licensure.
Spanish teachers are invited to a retreat, April 11-13, to immerse themselves in the Spanish language for a weekend.
The objective is to duplicate the experience of spending the weekend in a Spanish-speaking country engaging in pedagogical activities completely in Spanish. Colombia is the theme for the 2025 retreat.
Reminder: If your district has not used allocated virtual professional development hours, schedule a session from the Professional Learning Catalog by Dec. 31. To check if this applies to your district, watch the recording at the 1:37 time stamp. *Please note: You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you must schedule it before then so that it does not expire.
6: Deadline to apply for the 2025 Heartland Farm to School Institute. Click here to apply no later than 11:59 p.m., CST. Contact Eryn Davis,, (785) 296-5060, with questions.
9: KESA 2.0 monthly Zoom update, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link.
9: Structured literacy training, Southwest Plains, Sublette. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
10: Kansas Preschool Pilot (KPP) grant technical assistance webinar, 10 a.m. Contact Natalie McClane,, and Amanda Petersen,, with questions.
10-11: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials.
KSDE is already in the early stages of planning the 2025 Great Ideas in Education conference since the date of the event has been changed to July 27-30, at the Hyatt Regency, in Wichita. Click here to watch a video from this year's Great Ideas in Education Conference: Lighting the Path Forward.
School systems are strongly encouraged to begin planning to send district leadership teams to the annual conference. Learning and collaboration opportunities will emphasize the fundamentals of structured literacy, standards alignment, balanced assessment and quality instruction.
This professional development opportunity is for educators to explore what balanced literacy is and how structured literacy is different.
Attendees will learn the “why” and “how” to make the instructional shifts necessary to teach reading and writing in a way that allows more students to be successful.
During training sessions scheduled for December and January, English language arts (ELA) teachers for grades 3–12 will learn what text complexity is, why complex text is vital to assist in raising the rigor for our students, and how best to scaffold learning using evidence-based strategies. Structured literacy demands teachers present students with appropriately complex texts, explicitly teaching students to grapple with them.
Attendees will practice identifying appropriately complex text for their students and explore how to effectively scaffold to leverage productive struggle and student success.
The KSDE School Bus Safety Unit will host a free transportation basics workshop for transportation directors and supervisors, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., on Dec. 19, at Bishop Professional Development Center, 3601 S.W. 31st Street, in Topeka. Register here.
These workshops will provide a brief overview of the fundamentals and responsibilities associated with the position along with recent updates, changes and developments in school transportation.
In an effort to encourage teaching science in a rural area, Fort Hays State University is offering scholarships to individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree in science and are considering a career in teaching.
By Robert Feeney, Chief Vision Officer, Knowledge as a Service, Inc. (KaaS)
Knowledge as a Service Inc. (KaaS), the Wichita-based company behind Future Ready, has a mission to equip the next generation with vital employability skills by developing programs that reach students and workers across Kansas. The most recent development of the tournament is its Competency Report which provides real-time scoring and badging on vital behaviors.
As of Nov. 18, Jeff Lancial has been supporting Kansas with FastBridge after joining Renaissance Learning in July. His career includes serving as a teacher, coach and administrator in public schools and leading large-scale, high-stakes, statewide assessment programs. He is committed to continuing the great support educators in Kansas received from his predecessor Sheleena Clark. Contact Jeff at
Reminder: Many districts have virtual hours to use to schedule a session from the Professional Learning Catalog. See if this applies to you by watching the recording at the 1:37 time stamp. You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you must schedule it before then so that it does not expire.
30: Data entry for Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI) reports begins. Contact Trish Backman,, with questions.
3: Kansas MTSS & Alignment preschool team’s standards-based make it-take it event for preschool teachers, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., KU Edwards campus. Contact Lea Harding at with questions. (Registration is closed.)
3: Kansas MTSS and Alignment regional reading road show, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Dodge City, Boot Hill Casino & Resort. Contact Vicki Cooper,, with questions. (Registration is closed.)
KSDE is already in the early stages of planning the 2025 Great Ideas in Education Conference since the date of the event has been changed to the last week of July.
School systems are strongly encouraged to send district leadership teams to the annual conference, now set for July 27-30, at the Hyatt Regency, in Wichita. Learning and collaboration opportunities will emphasize the fundamentals of structured literacy, standards alignment, balanced assessment, and quality instruction.
Bring your questions, your colleagues and an interest in learning about literacy practices that can move your school’s literacy initiatives forward.
English language arts (ELA) teachers for grades 3–12 will learn what text complexity is, why complex text is vital to assist in raising the rigor for our students, and how best to scaffold learning using evidence-based strategies. Structured literacy demands teachers present students with appropriately complex texts, explicitly teaching students to grapple with them.
The Kansas State Department of Education has extended its partnership with Renaissance Learning into the 2025-26 school year. Contact your Account Manager for FastBridge pricing through the state contract.
Many districts have virtual hours they can use to schedule a session from the Professional Learning Catalog. See if this applies to you by watching the recording at the 1:37 time stamp. You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you do need to schedule it before then so that it does not expire.
15: Curriculum directors meeting, 9 a.m.–3 p.m., Bishop Professional Development Center, 3601 S.W. 31st Street, Topeka. Contact Pat Bone,, with questions.
18: KESA 2.0 monthly Zoom update, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link. (Rescheduled due to the Veterans Day holiday.)
18: Individual Plan of Study (IPS) technical assistance session, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m., Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Natalie Clark, or (785) 296-4351, with questions.
19: Kansas MTSS & Alignment offers behavior intervention protocol training, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Hilton Garden Inn, Salina. No cost. Click here to register. Contact Susan Danner,, with questions.
21: Question, Signal, Stem, Share and Assess (QSSSA) deep dive, 6-7:30 p.m., virtual. Register here. Contact Heather Musil,, for more information regarding enrollment and fees for graduate credit.
Early childhood professionals, caregivers, community members working to support local child care efforts, and anyone with an interest in child care in Kansas are invited to join a roundtable event to share your experiences with child care in your region.
This event will be 6:30-8 p.m., on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Abilene Childcare Learning Center 2/Nichols Education Center, 1003 N. Brady Street, in Abilene. Click here to register for this free event that is open to the public.
Kansas is a member state of the MBA Research consortium and that means there are numerous resources available for free to our business teachers.
During a free webinar from 3:30-4:15 p.m., on Nov. 13, Tammy Cyrus, vice president of professional learning for MBA Research, will lead teachers through creating a state’s connection account and where to find all of the resources that can help in the classroom.
The KSDE Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) team is offering a special virtual training session for Kansas educators on instructionally embedded assessments to guide classroom instruction, 3-4 p.m., on Nov. 14. Register here.
Mark your calendars for the remaining 2024-25 Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meetings that are for administrators (new and veteran) responsible for LCPs.
Administrators will receive timely information and more in-depth support from the KSDE Special Education and Title Services team and statewide experts, with an emphasis on upcoming tasks and special topics as needed.
8: 2026 Kansas Teacher of the Year nominations due. Instructions for accessing the online application can be found here. Contact Tamla Miller,, or (785) 296-4950 for more information or questions.
8: Introduction to the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)® training, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., on Zoom. Register at
8: Individual Plan of Study (IPS) technical assistance session, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m., ESSDACK, Hutchinson. Register here. Contact Natalie Clark, or (785) 296-4351, with questions.
12: Kansas MTSS & Alignment Leadership Institute, Topeka. Click this link to register: Contact Josh Lee at with questions.
he next curriculum leaders meeting will be Nov. 15 at the Bishop Professional Development Center, 3601 S.W. 31st Street, in Topeka.
The Kansas Instructional Leaders Association networking will begin at 9 a.m. The KSDE portion of the meeting will be 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Click here to register.
Nominations for the 2026 Kansas Teacher of the Year close on Friday, Nov. 8. KSDE encourages every school district to nominate one exemplary elementary classroom teacher and one exemplary secondary classroom teacher for this prestigious award.
Not only does participating in this program demonstrate your district values exceptional teaching, but you will also be providing critical professional development opportunities for your nominees. Participants say this program is life-changing and has made them better teachers.
Business teachers, DECA and Future Business Leaders of America advisors are invited to a free online seminar on Nov. 13. Participants will do the following:
Register here. Contact Kathy Camarena,, (785) 296-3152, with questions.
Learning Forward Kansas is offering “Keys to Impactful Learning,” a professional development workshop from 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m., on Nov. 20, at Fort Hays State University.
The 2024-25 Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) quarterly meetings are for administrators (new and veteran) responsible for LCPs.
Registration is open for the 2025 Virtual Health Care Career Day, on Jan. 30, a partnership of the Kansas Hospital Association, Kansas State Department of Education, and Kansas Board of Regents.
Click here to register at no cost and click here for the agenda. This virtual event will be from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Event hosts will send Zoom instructions to participants the week before Jan. 30.
FastBridge is a KSDE-approved universal screener and KSDE-approved screener for dyslexia. KSDE sponsors a variety of in-person and virtual professional learning opportunities to support implementation that are included in the partnership.
To learn more and to register for professional learning, as well as explore resources to support, visit the Kansas Landing Page.
Contact Sheleena Clark,, with questions.
1: Kansas State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) virtual retreat for local councils, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Click here to register. Contact Stacy Clarke,, (785) 296-3953, with questions.
1: Electronic Training Equipment CTE cluster application for FY2025 Perkins Reserve grant due. Contact Helen Swanson,, with questions.
1: Deadline to register for Learning Forward Kansas’s “Keys to Impactful Learning” professional development workshop, 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m., on Nov. 20, at Fort Hays State University. Click here to register and for more information about the conference. Contact Heather Musil,, with questions.
Registration is open now for the 2025 Virtual Health Care Career Day, on Jan. 30, a partnership of the Kansas Hospital Association, Kansas State Department of Education, and Kansas Board of Regents.
Click here to register at no cost and click here for the agenda. This virtual event will be from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Zoom instructions will be sent out the week before Jan. 30.
Learning Forward Kansas is offering “Keys to Impactful Learning”, a professional development workshop from 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m., on Nov. 20, at Fort Hays State University.
This conference will focus on equipping educational leaders with impactful strategies to elevate their practice, engage staff, and drive impactful professional learning experiences. Principals, curriculum leaders, instructional coaches, and teacher leaders are invited to attend. Cris Seidel, director of the KSDE Educate Kansas teacher recruitment and retention project, will be the keynote speaker.
Nominations for the 2026 Kansas Teacher of the Year close on Nov. 8. Every school district is encouraged to nominate one exemplary elementary classroom teacher and one exemplary secondary classroom teacher for this prestigious award.
FastBridge is a KSDE-approved universal screener and KSDE-approved screener for dyslexia. KSDE sponsors a variety of in-person and professional learning opportunities to support implementation that are included in the partnership.
21-25: National School Bus Safety Week. Click here for resources. Contact Keith Dreiling,, or (785) 296-4567.
23-25: Great Ideas in Education conference: Lighting the Path Forward, Hyatt Regency, in Wichita. Click here for more information.
28-30: 2024 Kansas Environmental Education Conference, 2-5 p.m. each day; virtual. Register here. Contact or call (785) 532-3322 for more information.
30: CTE technical assistance session, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Greenbush South, Girard. Click here to register. Registration is $35 and lunch is included. Contact Natalie Clark, or (785) 296-4351 with questions.
30: Kansas MTSS and Alignment regional reading road show, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Junction City, Courtyard by Marriott. Register here. Contact Vicki Cooper,, with questions.
31: Dropout Graduation Summary Report (DGSR) due. Contact the KIDS help desk,, or the DGSR help desk, with questions.
Applications are due Sunday, Oct. 20, for "History for All: Elementary Social Studies and Structured Literacy," a yearlong cohort program to help elementary teachers improve their social studies teaching with historical content, pedagogy and structured literacy.
The Kansas Environmental Education Conference’s theme for this year is, “Cultivating Community Connections: Exploring the vibrant ecosystem of environmental education in Kansas.”
Kansas MTSS and Alignment is hosting a regional reading road show in October and December.
Attendees will learn about the latest research in Reading for All Pre-K-12th readers and will leave with a plan, resources and practical tools to implement the classroom immediately.
Virtual sessions will be available in November and December to take a deeper dive into QSSSA, an instructional method for all K-12 teachers who are looking for ways to engage their English language learners in academic discussions.
These sessions will highlight and explain in detail each component of the QSSSA strategy: question, signal, stem, share and assess.
If you are interested in a FastBridge session below, but are unable to join, use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5 on question 4.
18: CommonApp closes for quarterly ESSER reporting. Email with questions.
18: District test coordinator mandatory training, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Chelsea Pelfrey at or (785) 296-0040 with questions.
18: E-Rate training, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Greenbush North, Lawrence. Register here. Contact Jenni Marlatt,, with questions.
The deadline to register for this year’s Great Ideas in Education conference, “Lighting the Path Forward,” is Friday, Oct. 11.
This year’s conference is focused on the Four Fundamentals and supporting structures necessary for KESA implementation and school improvement. There will also be sessions on safe and secure schools and technology.
Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity for your leadership team to attend. Teams of four will receive a discount on registration.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is accepting nominations for the 2026 Kansas Teacher of the Year. Every school district is encouraged to nominate one exemplary elementary classroom teacher and one exemplary secondary classroom teacher for this prestigious award.
Not only does participating in this program demonstrate that your district values exceptional teaching, you will be providing critical professional development opportunities for your nominees. Participants say year after year this program is life-changing and has made them better teachers.
Kansas Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Alignment is offering an in-person, no cost training session on Nov. 19 for attendees to learn a 5-step research-based behavior intervention protocol to implement across classroom environments.
Pre-K-12 educators are invited to participate in training sessions in October to develop students’ language, understanding, fluency and problem solving across Kansas math standards.
Kansas Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) math specialists and Kansas Math Project facilitators will help participants do the following:
Many districts have virtual hours that they can use to schedule a session from the Professional Learning Catalog. See if this applies to you by watching the recording at the 1:37 time stamp. You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you do need to schedule it before then so that it does not expire.
1-17: CommonApp open for quarterly ESSER reporting. Email with questions.
11: Introduction to the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)® training, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., on Zoom. Register at
14: KESA 2.0 monthly Zoom update, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link.
14: E-Rate training, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Greenbush South, Girard. Register here. Contact Jenni Marlatt,, with questions.
15: Deadline for Summer EBT program food benefits online application. Click here for more information that can be shared with families by school districts.
Completed nomination applications for the 2025 Kansas Horizon Award recognition program honoring first-year classroom teachers must be postmarked no later than Oct. 10.
Sponsored by the Kansas State Department of Education, this program recognizes and rewards first-year teachers who have served as examples of excellent teaching in their elementary or secondary classroom. Nominated teachers must have completed their first year of teaching and be starting their second year.
Nominations for the Presidential Scholars and Presidential Scholars in Career and Technical Education (CTE) must be postmarked by Oct. 10.
The Presidential Scholars program recognizes and honors high school seniors who have demonstrated high achievements academically or in the arts — some having to overcome special challenges or hurdles to do so.
Applications for the 2025 United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) are due Oct. 10. The students selected will be notified after Dec. 1.
Any high school junior or senior is eligible for the program as long as they have not previously been a delegate to Washington Week and have not received a USSYP scholarship. The student applicant must hold a high-level leadership position in any student government, civic or educational organization during the entire 2024–25 academic year.
The Oct. 11 deadline is fast approaching to register for this year’s Great Ideas in Education conference, “Lighting the Path Forward.”
Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity for your leadership team to attend. Teams of four will receive a discount on registration. The deadline to register is Oct. 11.
The Curriculum-Based Measures(CBM)math Concepts & Applications (CAP) and CBMmath process are two optional probes within the FastBridge math assessment suite often overlooked. Who might benefit from administering one of these assessments, and what types of data do they generate?
Kansas Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Alignment is offering an in-person, no cost training session in November for attendees to learn a 5-step research-based behavior intervention protocol to implement across classroom environments.
Veteran educators, anyone considering a career in education, and anyone in between is invited to Bethany College’s education conference, Feb. 8, 2025.
Click this link to register by Jan. 18:
4: CTE technical assistance session, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., ESSDACK, Hutchinson. Click here to register. Registration is $35 and lunch is included. Contact Natalie Clark, or (785) 296-4351 with questions.
7: CTE technical assistance session, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Southwest Plains, Sublette. Click here to register. Registration is $35 and lunch is included. Contact Natalie Clark, or (785) 296-4351 with questions.
8-9: Kansas State Board of Education meeting, Topeka.
Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity for your leadership team to attend this year’s Great Ideas in Education conference, “Lighting the Path Forward.”
This year the conference is focused on the Four Fundamentals and supporting structures necessary for KESA implementation and school improvement. There will also be sessions on safe and secure schools and technology.
Teams of four will receive a discount on registration. The deadline for registration is Oct. 11.
27: District test coordinator mandatory training, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Smoky Hill, Salina. Register here. Contact Chelsea Pelfrey at or (785) 296-0040 with questions.
27: KESA 2.0 information meeting, Greenbush, Lawrence. In-person; registration required. (Click here to register for the 9:30-11:30 a.m. session; click here to register for the 12:30-2:30 p.m. session.) Contact Rue Huereca-Retana,, for more information.
27: FastBridge assessment system information session, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Courtyard by Marriott, Junction City. Click here to register: Contact Todd Wiedemann at with questions.
27-28: Kansas Teacher of the Year conference, Wichita.
30: CTE technical assistance session, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Smoky Hill, Salina. Click here to register. Registration is $35 and lunch is included. Contact Natalie Clark, or (785) 296-4351 with questions.
Did you know there are more than 300 different national sign languages? Each year for International Day of Sign Languages, celebrated on Sept. 23, the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) encourages public buildings, landmarks and more, to be spotlighted in a blue light to promote and recognize these languages.
The “Shine a Blue Light on Sign Languages” campaign aims to unite the world, its citizens, communities and societies through the blue light. Be on the lookout on KSDE’s social media channels leading up to Monday, Sept. 23, for a video from students from the Kansas School for the Deaf.
Don’t forget to register your leadership team to attend this year’s Great Ideas in Education Conference: Lighting the Path Forward, Oct. 23-25, in Wichita.
KSDE is encouraging districts and buildings to bring a leadership team to learn together. Each district will be slightly different according to size and district needs.
Teams of four will receive a discount on registration.
Every district must have a district test coordinator and each district test coordinator is required to attend annual security and ethics training before training all other district staff involved in administering state assessments.
Each training session will be 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Many districts have virtual hours they can use to schedule a consultant-led FastBridge or Star session. See if this applies to you by watching the recording at the 1:37 time stamp. You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you do need to schedule it before then so that it does not expire. Contact for more information and/or schedule sessions here.
If you are interested in a FastBridge session below, but would be unable to join, use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5.
24: KESA 2.0 information meeting, 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 12:30-2:30 p.m., ESSDACK, Hutchinson. In-person; no registration required. Contact Rue Huereca-Retana,, for more information.
24: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., FastBridge assessment system information session; Lee Richardson Zoo, Garden City. Click here to register: Contact Todd Wiedemann at with questions.
24: School Transportation informational meeting, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Osborne High School auditorium, north door. Questions? Contact Keith Dreiling at or (785) 296-4567.
25: KESA 2.0 information meeting, 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 12:30-2:30 p.m., Smoky Hill, Hays. In-person; no registration required. Contact Rue Huereca-Retana,, for more information.
25: School Transportation informational meeting, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Greenbush, Ottawa board office. Questions? Contact Keith Dreiling at or (785) 296-4567.
Do you want to recognize and reward first-year educators in your district? The Kansas Horizon Award program offers school districts the opportunity to honor outstanding teachers after their first year in the classroom.
The program, sponsored by the Kansas State Department of Education, recognizes and rewards first-year teachers who have served as examples of excellent teaching in their elementary or secondary classroom.
Horizon Award winners receive special recognition during the Kansas Exemplary Educators Network (KEEN) state education conference which takes place annually in February, in Topeka.
The Presidential Scholars in Career and Technical Education (CTE) program also offers recognition of high-achieving students who have demonstrated excellence in CTE. This program started in 2016.
These two separate programs require separate nomination forms.
Applications are being accepted for the 2025 United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) and are due Oct. 10. The students selected will be notified after Dec. 1.
The KSDE TASN School Mental Health Initiative is excited to share the following professional development opportunity: Mindfulness and School-Based Yoga: Tools for the Classroom
Teams of four will receive a discount on registration. *Please note: The hotel room block at the Wichita Hyatt Regency is filling up quickly.
Every district must have a district test coordinator and each district test coordinator is required to attend annual security and ethics training before training all other district staff involved in administering state assessments. Each training session will be 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Kansas Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Alignment announces the upcoming Kansas MTSS & Alignment Leadership Institute, a dynamic, one-day professional development event tailored for building and district leaders in November.
Districts with virtual learning to complete now have until Dec. 31 to schedule your session(s). Check this recording at the 1:37 time stamp to see if this deadline applies to your district. Districts can use their allotted virtual learning for any 60-minute session(s) in the Professional Learning Catalog. You do not need to hold the session by Dec. 31, but you do need to schedule it before then so that it does not expire.
13: Counting KIDS Workshop, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Hiawatha USD 415 High School Auditorium. Email with questions.
17: School Transportation informational meeting, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Arkansas City, Avery Learning Center. Questions? Contact Keith Dreiling at or (785) 296-4567.
17: School Transportation informational meeting, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Great Bend, Front Door Community Center. Questions? Contact Keith Dreiling at or (785) 296-4567.
The KSDE TASN School Mental Health Initiative is excited to share the following professional development opportunity:
Mindfulness and School-Based Yoga: Tools for the Classroom
If students are gaining decoding skills and STILL struggling with comprehension, what might be the problem? Join us to learn from a leading scholar about Developmental Language Disorder, or DLD.
KSDE will host a free webinar with Dr. Tiffany Hogan to teach educators about DLD, 4-5 p.m., on Tuesday, Sept. 24. (registration link below). You will learn what this disorder looks like alongside dyslexia; how it may present without dyslexia; and how we might identify it with our youngest of students and get them the help they need before they struggle with comprehension as they get older.
There will be a follow-up panel discussion with Dr. Hogan and Kansas educators and specialists, 4-5 p.m., on Oct. 8.
Contact for more information, schedule sessions here, and/or join Sheleena Clark for professional learning office hours for assistance on Sept. 19 in the morning or afternoon.
6: Counting KIDS Workshop, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Maize USD 266 Performing Arts & Aquatic Center. Email with questions.
6: Curriculum leader meeting, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Fort Hays State University Union Ballroom. Questions? Contact Pat Bone, or (785) 296-2303.
9: Counting KIDS Workshop, 1-4:30 p.m., Southeast Kansas Education Service Center, Girard. Email with questions.
9: KESA 2.0 monthly Zoom update, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link. (Mark your calendars for these future Zoom meetings: Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 10, April 14, and May 12.) Email with questions.
10-11: Kansas State Board of Education meeting, Topeka.
Are you looking for a specialized professional development opportunity for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) educators in your district? This two-day training in Salina, Sept. 9-10, is tailored directly to the needs of FCS educators in Kansas and will cover topics like work-based learning in the FCS classroom, managing an effective Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter, methods for running a high-quality FCS program, and much more.
Whether you are a new or veteran test coordinator, make plans to attend one of the mandatory trainings held across the state beginning in September.
Every district must have a district test coordinator and each district test coordinator is required to attend annual security and ethics training before training all district staff involved in giving state assessments.
Make plans to attend this year’s Great Ideas in Education Conference, “Lighting the Path Forward,” Oct. 23-25 in Wichita, by clicking here to register, make room reservations, access the schedule and see the list of titles, strands and audiences for the breakout sessions.
Chris Perry, co-founder and executive director of Cultivate Education, an educational consulting company based in Baldwin City, will be the keynote speaker on Oct. 23.
College credit is now available for attending this conference. Click here for information.
FastBridge screening assessment measures give instructional teams a wealth of data. Yet, how do teams harness that data to inform instructional practice at the ground-level?
During this free, one-day event, the Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) and Alignment team will guide districts in navigating several key FastBridge reports to make sense of the data and connect it to specific practices that ultimately impact student learning.
Click this link to register:
2: KSDE offices closed in observance of Labor Day.
3: Counting KIDS Workshop, 1-4:30 p.m., Kansas City USD 500 Central Office. Email with questions.
4: Counting KIDS Workshop, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Olathe USD 233 Instructional Resource Center. Email with questions.
5: Blue-Ribbon Task Force on Student Screen Time, 4-5:30 p.m. Click here to access the livestream.
5: Counting KIDS Workshop, 1-4:30 p.m., Andover USD 385 District Office Board Room. Email with questions.
5: School Transportation informational meeting, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Bishop Professional Development Center, Topeka. Questions? Contact Keith Dreiling at or (785) 296-4567.
Are you looking for a specialized professional development opportunity for Family and Consumer Sciences educators in your district? This two-day training in Salina is tailored directly to the needs of FCS educators in Kansas and will cover topics like work-based learning in the FCS classroom, managing an effective FCCLA chapter, methods for running a high-quality FCS program, and much more.
Every district must have a district test coordinator. It also is required that each district test coordinator attend annual security and ethics training before training all district staff involved in giving state assessments.
Make plans to attend this year’s Great Ideas in Education Conference, “Lighting the Path Forward,” Oct. 23-25, by clicking here to register, make room reservations, access the schedule and see the list of titles, strands and audiences for the breakout sessions.
Veteran educators, anyone considering a career in education, or anyone in between is invited to Bethany College’s education conference, Feb. 8, 2025.
Attention teachers and other district staff: Please share with your future educators the 11th annual northeast regional Educators Rising Kansas conference will be 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Nov. 6.
This conference takes place at MidAmerica Nazarene University in Olathe. More information will be shared later this month.
During a no cost, one-day event, the Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) and Alignment team will guide districts in navigating several key FastBridge reports in order to make sense of the data and connect it to specific practices that ultimately impact student learning.
Calling all school districts – time is of the essence! Check this recording at the 1:37 time stamp to see if your school or district has virtual learning to schedule. You can use yourvirtual learning for any 60-minute session(s) in the Professional Learning Catalog. You can hold the session(s) at any point in the school year, but you do need to schedule it before Sept. 1 so that it does not expire.
26: Counting KIDS Workshop, 1-4:30 p.m., Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center, Oakley. Email with questions.
27: Counting KIDS Workshop, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Dodge City USD 443 district office building. Email with questions.
28: KESA 2.0 facilitator training, in-person, Southwest Plains, Sublette. Click here to register. Contact Pat Bone at for more information.
29: Counting KIDS Workshop, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4:30 p.m., Auburn-Washburn USD 437 district office building. Email with questions.
29: KESA 2.0 facilitator training, in-person, Northwest Plains, Oakley. Click here to register. Contact Pat Bone at for more information.
Make plans to attend this year’s Great Ideas in Education conference, “Lighting the Path Forward,” Oct. 23-25, by clicking here to register, make room reservations, access the schedule and see the list of titles, strands and audiences for the breakout sessions.
NEW: College credit is now available. Click here for information.
Calling all school districts – time is of the essence! Check this recording at the 1:37 time stamp to see if your school or district has virtual learning to schedule. You can use the remaining virtual learning for any 60-minute session(s) in the Professional Learning Catalog. You can hold the session(s) at any point in the school year, but you do need to schedule it before Sept. 1 so that it does not expire.
Reach out to for more information or schedule your time here.
The KSDE required dyslexia training modules have been updated and are available for all districts to use in training new teachers and teachers new to teaching in Kansas based on teacher licensure (see link below for details).
There are five modules included in the training, and all are accompanied by supportive materials, a slide deck with presentation video, and a facilitation guide.
Make plans to attend this year’s Great Ideas in Education conference, “Lighting the Path Forward,” Oct. 23-25, by clicking here to register.
For room reservations for the Hyatt Regency Wichita, click here. For the Fairfield Inn and Suites room reservations, click here.
NEW: Click here to see the conference draft schedule.
NEW: Click here for a list of titles, strands and audience for each of the breakout sessions. Stay tuned for more details on these sessions in the near future.
Calling all school districts! Check this recording at the 1:37 time stamp to see if your school or district has virtual learning to schedule. You can use the remaining virtual learning for any 60-minute session(s) in the Professional Learning Catalog. You do not need to hold the session by Sept. 1, but you do need to schedule it before then so that it does not expire.
11: Conclusion of Sunflower Summer, a program of Kansas Tourism. For a complete list of participating locations and more information about the program, click here. Have questions? Email
12: KESA 2.0 monthly Zoom update, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link. (Mark your calendars for these future Zoom meetings: Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 10, April 14, and May 12.) Email with questions.
13-14: Kansas State Board of Education meeting, in Topeka.
The KSDE required dyslexia training modules have been updated and are available for all districts to use in training new teachers and teachers new to teaching in Kansas based on teacher licensure (see link below for details). There are five modules included in the training, and all are accompanied by supportive materials, a slide deck with presentation video, and a facilitation guide.
Registration is open and registration deadlines are approaching for KSDE’s annual Counting Kids workshops presented in advance of the state’s official student count day on Friday, Sept. 20. Each year, KSDE Fiscal Auditing Director Laurel Murdie updates school districts on the information needed to enter for funding purposes.
Make plans to attend this year’s Great Ideas in Education conference, “Lighting the Path Forward,” Oct. 23-25, by clicking here.
NEW: Click here for a list of titles, strands, and audience for each of the breakout sessions. Stay tuned for more details on these sessions in the near future.
If your district previously used or is currently implementing Star Assessments, you may have virtual learning to schedule. Schools can use their remaining virtual learning for any 60-minute session(s) in the Professional Learning Catalog. You do not need to hold the session by Sept. 1, but you do need to schedule it by then so that it does not expire. Reach out to for more information.
6: ASQ® Training for School Leaders, 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Visit to register.
The Kansas State Department of Education announces the postponement of all upcoming English Language Arts (ELA) and English Learners (EL) professional development sessions scheduled to occur between July 20 and Oct. 30.
Training for the Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ) Screeners to engage with families and prepare classrooms for kindergarteners will be presented by KSDE, Kansas MTSS & Alignment, and the Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (KPIRC) at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 30, and at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 6.
The Kansas State Department of Education is looking for six to eight high school students to participate in a panel discussion at the KSDE Great Ideas in Education: Lighting the Path Forward conference. This discussion will take place during a general session at the conference, Oct. 23-25, in Wichita.
30: Deadline to apply for Patterson Family Foundation’s School Districts and Community-Based Centers grants for rural child care programs. Contact Denise Schuele,, Patterson Family Foundation program officer, with questions.
30: ASQ Training for School Leaders, 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Visit to register.
The Kansas State Department of Education is looking for six to eight high school students to participate in a panel discussion at the KSDE Great Ideas in Education: Lighting the Path conference. This discussion will take place during a general session at the conference, Oct. 23-25, in Wichita.
Star Assessment learning sessions:
If your district previously used or is currently implementing Star Assessments, you may have virtual learning to schedule. Schools can use their remaining virtual learning for any 60-minute session(s) in the Professional Learning Catalog. You don’t need to hold the session by Sept. 1, but you do need to schedule it by then, so it doesn’t expire. Contact for more information.
19: Window closes for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds quarterly reporting in CommonApp. Email for questions or more information.
23-24: School Bus CDL Proxy Testing and ELDT Theory event at Southeast of Saline USD 306; Note: ELDT Theory will be administered on July 23; Register here:
If your district previously used or is currently implementing Star Assessments, you may have virtual learning to schedule.
1-19: Window open for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds quarterly reporting in CommonApp. Email for questions or more information.
17: School Bus Reasonable Suspicion Training for CDL supervisors at the Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB), in Topeka; Register here: Note: This is mandated training for anyone who supervises CDL holders. This is free training and the KSDE School Bus Safety Unit offers it once a year.
If your district previously used or is currently implementing Star Assessments, you may have virtual learning to schedule. Schools can use their remaining virtual learning for any 60-minute session(s) in the Professional Learning Catalog. You don’t need to hold the session by Sept. 1, but you do need to schedule it by then so it doesn’t expire. Contact for more information.
1-19: Quarterly reporting for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds open in CommonApp. Email for questions or more information.
4: KSDE offices closed in observance of Fourth of July.
9: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Joint School Nutrition Program (SNP) and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) administrative training, hosted by the KSDE Child Nutrition and Wellness (CNW) team. Join the training here: 259874)
9-10: Kansas State Board of Education meeting, Topeka.
If your district previously used or is currently implementing Star Assessments, you may have virtual learning to schedule. Schools can use their remaining virtual learning for any 60-minute session(s) in the Professional Learning Catalog. You don’t need to hold the session by Sept. 1, but you do need to schedule it by then so it doesn’t expire. Reach out to for more information.
28: 1-3 p.m., Pittsburg Public Library, Large Meeting Room; the KU Center for Public Partnerships and Research and KDHE’s Maternal and Child Health program will host an open house to gather information about beliefs about systems of care for women, infants, children and adolescents across Kansas. Contact Ashley Lafond at or for more information.
The Kansas State Department of Education is looking for six to eight high school students to participate in a panel discussion at the KSDE Great Ideas in Education: Lighting the Path conference.
Mark Perna, a national expert on workforce and education, will be at Topeka West High School to speak during the Education and Industry Summit on July 25.
Districts with Star Assessments should be sure to schedule their customized virtual learning before it expires in September.
25-26: School Bus CDL Proxy Testing and ELDT Theory event, at Maize USD 266; ELDT will be administered on June 25; Register here:
25: FastBridge Lightning Round, 1-2 p.m., on Tuesday, June 25, virtual. Register here.
Join Renaissance for a webinar to learn more about eduCLIMBER, Renaissance’s interactive system for integrating whole child data.
The last session of KSDE Information Technology (IT) team’s cybersecurity series, “Disaster Recovery Plans for IT,” is scheduled for 1 p.m., on Wednesday, June 19.
Are you a Kansas educator who wants to integrate STEM and literacy in your elementary classroom?
17-22: School Bus Train the Trainer event, in Topeka; Register here:
18: (repeated session) 9-11 a.m., KSDE is hosting a free, virtual workshop for Kansas educators who want to integrate STEM and literacy in their elementary classrooms. This session is for kindergarten through second grade. Click here to register.
19: KSDE offices closed in observance of Juneteenth.
Join Renaissance for a webinar to learn more about eduCLIMBER, Renaissance’s interactive system for integrating whole child data into a single platform.
10-11: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Learning through the Arts workshops, Wichita Northwest High School, in Wichita. Click here to register.
11: 9-11 a.m., KSDE is hosting a free, virtual workshop for Kansas educators who want to integrate STEM and literacy in their elementary classrooms. This session is for grades 3-5. Click here to register.
11-12: Kansas State Board of Education meeting, Topeka.
Districts with Star Assessments should schedule their customized virtual learning before it expires in September.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is hosting a free two-day Learning Through the Arts workshop for all K-12 teachers, June 10-11, at Wichita Northwest High School, 1220 N. Tyler, in Wichita.
Researchers at the Center for Public Partnerships and Research at the University of Kansas (KU-CPPR) are teaming up with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s Maternal and Child Health Program to learn more about beliefs about systems of care for women, infants, children and adolescents across the state.
The 2024 Sunflower Summer season runs through August 11 and will include more than 220 tourism attractions.
5: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Playful Learning Across the Day in Pre-K, Emporia State University Memorial Union, in Emporia. Click here to register.
6: 9 a.m -3 p.m., Playful Learning Across the Day in Pre-K, Hilton Garden Inn, in Salina. Click here to register.
Registration is open for the 2024 KSDE Great Ideas in Education Conference: Lighting the Path Forward.
KSDE’s Information Technology (IT) team has assembled a team of experts to help school technology directors and staff members, along with superintendents, principals and others who are interested, navigate the complex and critical practices of cybersecurity and data privacy.
The 2024 Sunflower Summer season, operated by Kansas Tourism, will run May 25 through August 11 and will include more than 220 tourism attractions.
27: KSDE offices closed in observance of Memorial Day.
Click here to register for the 2024 KSDE Great Ideas in Education conference, Oct. 23-25. Hotel reservation information is also posted on this site.
Summers in Kansas are an exciting time thanks to Sunflower Summer! Entering its fourth year, the program offers Kansas K-12 students and their families a way to explore and fall in love with Kansas by providing complimentary access to tourism attractions across the state.
You can help shape the future of health services for Kansas families!
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is sponsoring several professional learning opportunities. Now is a great time to start planning and scheduling your back-to-school professional learning! The fall calendar will fill up before you know it.
25: The 2024 Sunflower Summer season opens on May 25 and runs through August 11. For a complete list of participating locations and more information about the program, click here.
30-31: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Science Summit centered around the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and standards alignment/storyline process at Maize South High School, 3701 N. Tyler Road, in Wichita.
Registration is now open!
The 2024 Great Ideas in Education Conference: Lighting the Path Forward, will focus on the tools necessary to strengthen school improvement efforts to support each Kansas student. Through professional development and networking opportunities, the KSDE Great Ideas in Education Conference will help school personnel improve policies and strategies to produce safe learning environments and quality teaching and learning practices for each student.
Submissions for the 2024 KSDE Great Ideas in Education conference’s student art contest must be postmarked by Friday, May 24.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is hosting a free two-day Learning Through the Arts workshop for all K-12 teachers,June 10-11, at Wichita Northwest High School, 1220 N. Tyler, in Wichita.
14-15: Kansas State Board of Education meeting, in Topeka.
14: The Sunflower Foundation, Kansas Fights Addiction Grant Review Board in the Kansas Attorney General’s Office, and The University of Kansas Center for Public Partnership and Research (KU-CPPR) are hosting a webinar, “Intergenerational Response to Substance Use Prevention,” from noon – 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is hosting a free two-day professional learning workshop for all K-12 teachers on June 10-11 at Wichita Northwest High School, 1220 N. Tyler, in Wichita.
The 2024 Great Ideas in Education Conference: Lighting the Path Forward, will focus on the tools necessary to strengthen school improvement efforts to support each Kansas student.
Safe Kids Kansas and the Topeka Zoo are partnering to host a family safety day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Saturday, May 4, to help teach children and their grown-ups how to be safe and healthy throughout the year. This year’s theme is “Building a safer world for Kansas kids.”
The Sunflower Foundation, Kansas Fights Addiction Grant Review Board in the Kansas Attorney General’s Office, and The University of Kansas Center for Public Partnership and Research (KU-CPPR) are hosting a webinar, “Intergenerational Response to Substance Use Prevention,” from noon – 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is sponsoring several professional learning opportunities.
KSDE has opened applications statewide to districts for the Kansas Registered Teacher Apprenticeship (RTA) program. To assist districts in learning more about the program and its potential, KSDE is hosting an informational Zoom meeting for districts to gain more information about the program.
4: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Kansas Safe Kids “Building a Safer World for Kansas Kids” family safety event at the Topeka Zoo. For more information, go to or follow Safe Kids Kansas on Facebook and Instagram.
The Dole Institute of Politics in Lawrence is hosting the 17th Annual Civic Engagement and Election Conference for Kansas teachers, July 24-26.
Kansas students have two opportunities to be showcased during the 2024 Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) Great Ideas in Education Conference.
25: 4 p.m., KSDE’s Teacher Licensure team is hosting an informational Zoom meeting to assist districts in learning more about the Kansas Registered Teacher Apprenticeship program. The meetings can be accessed here:
Applications are still being accepted for the 17th annual Civic Engagement and Election Conference at the Dole Institute of Politics at The University of Kansas. The event, July 24-26, is for Kansas government, history and social studies teachers.
Are you a Kansas educator who wants to integrate STEM and literacy in your elementary classroom? Learning straight from award-winning NSTA Press authors Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan, this introductory workshop will help you build a solid understanding of STEM and literacy integration and the 5E Model through participation in engaging picture book-inspired lessons, lively discussion, and interactive learning tasks.
KSDE has opened applications statewide to districts for the Kansas Registered Teacher Apprenticeship program. To assist districts in learning more about the program and its potential, KSDE will be hosting a series of informational Zoom meetings over the next several weeks for districts to gain more information about the program.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is hosting a free two-day professional learning workshop for all K-12 teachers this summer.
19: Brown v. Board of Education 70th Anniversary Conference, in Lawrence and Topeka. The registration for this event at Burge Union on KU’s Lawrence campus is full; however, click here to be put on a walk-up list for no-shows for this event that will also be live-streamed. The community discussion will take place on Friday, April 19, at the Brown v. Board of Education National Historical Museum, 1515 S.E. Monroe, in Topeka.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is hosting informational webinars on the Kansans Can Star Recognition Program: Individual Plan of Study (IPS).
KSDE has opened applications statewide to districts for the Kansas Registered Teacher Apprenticeship program. To assist districts in learning more about the program and its potential, KSDE will be hosting a series of informational Zoom meetings over the next six weeks for districts to gain more information about the program.
13: Innovative Next Steps in Pre-K-12 Learning Education Conference, Bethany College, in Lindsborg. The registration fee of $40 for teachers and $10 for high school students includes lunch. College credit is available for $150 per credit hour (total of two hours). Register at
The KSDE Technical Assistance System Network (TASN) will host an in-person, full-day Kansas Early Childhood Outcome (ECO) Rating Process Workshop in Hays on April 5.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is hosting the Safe and Supportive Schools Conference April 15-16 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan. Colleagues from across Kansas will present on topics to empower, inspire and motivate your staff, and provide information and new ideas to take back to your schools.
KSDE’s Information Technology (IT) team put together a team of experts to help school technology directors and staff members, along with superintendents, principals and others who are interested, navigate the complex and critical practices of cybersecurity and data privacy.
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case, the University of Kansas and the Brown v. Board of Education National Historical Park will host an event series and conference April 18-19.
The KSDE Kansas Technical Assistance System Network’s (TASN) School Mental Health Initiative (SMHI) is hosting Trauma-Responsive School Community: Facilitation Workshop.
5: All programs that want to be funded for Preschool-Aged At-Risk Approval must submit forms by April 5. The Preschool-Aged At-Risk Approval form for the 2024-2025 school year is available on the Early Childhood Preschool Programming Webpage.
Save the date for the 2024 Kansas State Department of Education Great Ideas in Education Conference.
As recently announced, KSDE has opened applications statewide to districts for the Kansas Registered Teacher Apprenticeship program. To assist districts in learning more about the program and its potential, KSDE will be hosting a series of informational Zoom meetings over the next six weeks for districts to gain more information about the program.
The Kansas Volunteer Commission and Emporia State University School of Humanities + Social Sciences are excited to announce the 2024 Civic Engagement Conference. The conference will be held Wednesday, April 10 at Emporia State University Memorial Union, in Emporia. The theme of the conference is “Empowering Kansas through Civic Engagement.”
The Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) and Alignment is hosting this year’s final in-person session of the Kansas Math Project.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is hosting the Safe and Supportive Schools Conference scheduled for April 15-16 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan. Colleagues from across Kansas will present on topics to empower, inspire and motivate your staff, and provide information and new ideas to take back to your schools.
The Kansas State Department of Education is hosting a free two-day professional learning workshop for all K-12 teachers this summer.
3: All programs that want to be funded for Preschool-Aged At-Risk Approval must submit forms by today. The Preschool-Aged At-Risk Approval form for the 2024-2025 school year is available on the Early Childhood Preschool Programming Webpage.
22: 9 a.m. to noon, Introduction to Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) Training.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is offering a professional development event that addresses a balanced assessment system and structured literacy on March 19.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is offering a new Introduction to ASQ training to be offered virtually.
Bethany College is hosting its first Bethany College Education Conference on April 13. It's an opportunity for teachers to pick up some more tools for their classroom, collaborate with teachers from across the state, get reinvigorated about teaching, gain professional development points and earn graduate credit hours.
Adaptive Schools training will again be offered to schools in the 2024-2025 school year.
19: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., KSDE’s “CLUES: What Do We Do with All of This Data?” Greenbush Service Center, Lawrence. $35. Register HERE.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is currently seeking proposals for presenters and vendors for the Safe and Supportive Schools Conference scheduled for April 15-16 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan. Colleagues from across Kansas will present on topics to empower, inspire and motivate your staff, and provide information and new ideas to take back to your schools.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) Is offering a new Introduction to ASQ training to be offered virtually.
11-12: Kansas State Board of Education meeting, Topeka. Click here to watch the live stream.
Through March 4: Educator Data Collection System is open now through March 4 for submission of Licensed Personnel Report.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is currently seeking proposals for presenters and vendors for the Safe and Supportive Schools Conference scheduled for April 15-16 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan.
The Kansas Volunteer Commission and Emporia State University School of Humanities + Social Sciences are excited to announce the 2024 Civic Engagement Conference. The conference will be held Wednesday, April 10 at Emporia State University Memorial Union, in Emporia. The theme of the conference is “Empowering Kansas through Civic Engagement."
In 2024-2025 Kansas will begin an updated system of accreditation, focused on structured literacy, a balanced assessment system, standards alignment, and high quality instruction.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is offering a professional development event that addresses a balanced assessment system and structured literacy.
21: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., KSDE: Meaningful Feedback to Fuel Instruction. Greenbush, Lawrence. Cost is $35. Meals provided. In person. To register, click here.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is conducting a 2024 Kansas Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant competition. The 21st CCLC grant provides funds for out-of-school time programs serving students that attend a school with a 40% or higher free/reduced lunch population. The Request for Application can be found at: