KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

Funding available for nonprofit child care facilities, sidewalks and trails, youth job training

The Kansas Department of Commerce is encouraging cities and counties to take a fresh look at Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding in 2023. 

New funding categories will enable communities and partners like school districts to make investments in quality of life, enhancing vibrancy and livability. Projects must meet the national objective of serving at least 51% low-to-moderate-income citizens. 

Cities under 50,000 population can submit one application per year. Counties under 200,000 population can submit two applications per year. Two can be on behalf of another entity or one on behalf of another entity and one for the county.  

The Kansas Department of Commerce has administered the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant program since 1983. Funded through Housing and Urban Development, CDBG is one of the most flexible federal programs for states to award cities and counties with populations under 50,000 for community development. 

Historically, the CDBG program offered grants for infrastructure, community facilities and housing rehabilitation. In recent years, the program added economic development loans, commercial rehabilitation for downtown buildings and urgent-need grants for damage caused by natural disasters. 

CDBG funding is now available for 2023, and applications are due May 1. 

Nonprofit Childcare and Education Facilities - $3 million total in funding available  

Grant funds available for the capital expenditure of either new facilities or rehabilitation of an existing building for child care, ages 0 to 5. At least 51% of the children must be from low-to-moderate income households, verified through self-certification.  

Maximum for <5,000 population  


Maximum for >5,000 population  


Administration (included in max award) 





Community Facilities and Services - Sidewalks and Trails - $1 Million total in funding available  

This category funds the construction of new sidewalks and trails. Specifically, activities that connect residents to services, community centers, schools and recreational areas. Other potential activities include the installation of benches and resting areas along the walkway. Funding for the creation of walkable communities, connecting low-to-moderate income residents to essential goods and services.  

Maximum for <5,000 population  


Maximum for >5,000 population  


Administration (included in max award) 

Up to $25,000 




Youth Job Training - $500,000 total in funding available  

Provides targeted funding for “at-risk” youth to develop skills and knowledge for workforce needs in the community. Eligible use of funds includes labor costs specific to the program, supplies, equipment, materials and other associated costs, screening and skills assessment of participants, training, instruction and certification of participants, software and instructional materials for training and education purposes. 

Maximum per award  







For more information about any of the programs or to discuss potential projects, contact Andrew Hayman, CDBG director, at Andrew.hayman@ks.gov. Program information and eligibility can be found at kansascommerce.gov/cdbg

Posted: Feb 23, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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