Kansas State Department of Education

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Before releasing model forms and guides for public use, the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) Special Education Services department is required to provide the general public with an opportunity to comment on the proposed forms or guides. Federal regulations, at 34 C.F.R. 300.165, specify that prior to the adoption of any policies and procedures needed to comply with the IDEA, the State must ensure that there are opportunities for comment available to the general public, including individuals with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities. In its Analysis of Comments and Changes to the federal regulations, the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) stated that the public participation requirements, specified in 34 C.F.R. 300.165, apply when a state education agency develops model forms (Federal Register, August 14, 2006, p. 46699-46700).

KSDE uses public comment as a valuable resource in an effort to develop the very best model forms and guides for Kansas schools. These proposed documents will be posted on the KSDE web site for public comment for at least 30 days. The public may comment on the proposed documents during the comment period by: (a) submitting a letter addressed to: Kansas State Department of Education, Special Education Services Team - Public Comment, 900 SW Jackson St., Topeka, KS 66612; (b) sending an email addressed to SESPublicComments@ksde.org; (c) attending a public hearing held during the comment period.

Opportunity to Provide Input -State’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) – Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Plan - Monday, June 7, 2021

On June 7, 2021, the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) submitted the state’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) – Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Plan to the U.S. Department of Education.  KSDE seeks ongoing input from the public on the state’s American Rescue Plan (ARP) – Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Plan.


You may submit comments via e-mail to: ESSER@ksde.org.


American Rescue Plan (ARP) – Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Plan June 7, 2021 (PDF)
REVISED-American Rescue Plan (ARP) – Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Plan July 13, 2021 (PDF)
REVISED-American Rescue Plan (ARP) – Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Plan July 19, 2024 (PDF)


Supporting Puerto Rico’s Displaced Students - Tuesday, October 31, 2017

On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria left a path of destruction in Puerto Rico that has left millions of Americans without clean water and electricity, and has prevented most students and teachers from returning to their classrooms. The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is supporting Puerto Rico Secretary of Education Julia Keleher and her team as they work to recover and reopen their schools. Hurricane Maria has also led many families to seek refuge on the U.S. mainland, and CCSSO is seeking to assist the states in supporting these displaced students and their families. (CCSSO has also reached out to U.S. Virgin Islands Commissioner Sharon Ann McCollum offering support to their students and educators.)


KSDE has designated Doug Boline, Assistant Director on the Early Childhood, Special Education, and Title Services team to act as a point of contact between Kansas and CCSSO as they work to: a) calculate numbers of displaced students in the states to help Puerto Rico plan; b) discuss ongoing support from the federal government for disaster-affected students; c) facilitate student records transfers for displaced students; and d) address other issues that may arise in supporting residents of Puerto Rico and their displaced students on the mainland.


To assist KSDE in this effort, we are asking that you notify Doug Boline when displaced students from Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands arrive to enroll in your district. Please e-mail this information to dboline@ksde.org.


Special Education, and Title Services Team

Bert Moore

Assistant Director
Brian Dempsey

Assistant Director
Kerry Haag

Assistant Director
Twyla Sprouse

Assistant Director
Dean Zajic

Team Organizational Chart (PDF)
KSDE Leadership Chart (PDF)

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The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. (more information...)

To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at gc@ksde.gov or by 785-296-3201.