Kansas State Department of Education Data Sharing Requests 2015

Data Provided To Date Provided Description of Data
Manivone Souiya on behalf of Wichita State University, TRIO Talent Search 12/10/2015 SY 2012 - 2014 Number of Students Graduated Within Four Years
Ressa Friggeri on behalf of SEK Education Service Center 12/9/2015 SY 2016  Enrollment by Grade per Building
Ginger Riddle on behalf of USD 453 12/8/2015 SY 2000 - 2015 Number of New Applications for Kansas Teaching Licenses per year
Diana Stanfill on behalf of Kristin Asquith, Blue Valley 12/8/2015 SY 2015 Statewide Count of Gifted Students
Lee Stickle on behalf of TASN ATBS 12/4/2015 SY 2014 MIS Disability Prevalence Data by LEA
Jenni Ferguson, RDH, on behalf of the Kansas Department of Health & Environment 12/2/2015 SY 2016 Children's Oral Health - Building Level Data
Lizette Peter on behalf of the University of Kansas 11/23/2015 ESOL Data
Rebekah Gaston on behalf of KS Appleseed 11/20/2015 SY 2014 -2015 School Meal Information
Sarah Hartsig 11/19/2015 List of CACFP providers
Laura Jurgensen on behalf of the Emergency Safety Intervention Task Force 11/12/2015 Emergency Safety Intervention Task Force Seclusion & Restraint Data
Kylie Fleck on behalf of the Kansas Dental Association 11/12/2015 Excel Sheet for K-6 Schools with County
Sarah Argodale on behalf of GreatSchools 11/12/2015 SY 2011 - 2014 Graduation Rates for State, District and School Levels with Subgroup Breakdowns
Tim Berens on behalf of Keystone 11/10/2015 2015 Special Education Data
Data Sharing Agreement
James Persinger on behalf of Emporia State University 11/10/2015 SY 2000 - 2015 Number of Student Psychologists & Number Working in Kansas Schools
Chris Tawney on behalf of Secretary for Youth Education Scholarship Program 11/10/2015 SY 2016 School Address, Phone Numbers, Email Address & Admin Information
Edward Penner on behalf of Legislative Research 11/2/2015 Certified Personnel from 2015-16 S066 Report
Gene Byce on behalf of Jireh Supplies 10/23/2015 SY 2016 Directory Information
LaFaith Washington on behalf of Teach Away 10/23/2015 SY 2016 Superintendent Name, Address & Email
Ryan Anderson on behalf of Acosta 10/23/2015 SY 2015 Schools lunch ADP by District in Percentage
Gaye Callich on behalf of Kansas Instructors for the Deaf 10/23/2015 SY 2015 Teachers Certified to teach Hearing Impaired
Heidi Zimmerman on behalf of Legislative Post Audit 10/23/2015 Expenditure, Revenue Budget Data & Meal Counts
Laura Houghtaling on behalf of Arundel Metrics 10/23/2015 SY 2013 Number of Graduates with High School Diplomas
Ted Carter on behalf of the Kansas Association of School Boards 10/21/2015 State Headcount Enrollment by District, Grade, Race and Gender
Sydney Holland on behalf of the Ronald McDonald House 10/19/2015 Directory Information Request
Rebecca David on behalf of National Alliance for Public Charter School 10/19/2015 SY 2015 Enrollment Data
Cari Lott 10/9/2015 Percentage of K-12 Teachers without Masters Degrees
Kylie Stewart on behalf of Greenbush 10/9/2015 SY 2010 - 2015 MIS Data
Meral Agish on behalf of ProPublica 10/8/2015 SY 2010 - 2014 SPED Students aged 6-12 Environment
Kristan Dean on behalf of Emporia State 10/8/2015 SY 2014 & 2015 SPED Information by District
Dongwoo Kim 10/2/2015 SY 2013 School-by-Grade Test Results
Representative Bollier 10/2/2015 KIDS Enroll Data (ESOL / VOCED) Headcount
Georgia Bosler on behalf of Western Governor's University 9/29/2015 SY 2013 - 2015 Teacher Demographics
Dr. Scott Gorman, Pittsburg State 9/28/2015 SY 2015 PE Personnel
Scott Gordon for KNEA 9/24/2015 SY 2015 KNEA Teacher Mailing List
Carol Snyder on behalf of Keystone Learning Services #608 NEKESC 9/22/2015 SY 2016 Building Data
Data Sharing Agreement
Heather Strozier 9/17/2015 SY 2014 & 2015 Count by Gender of Autistic Students
Joe Robertson on behalf of the Kansas City Star 9/16/2015 SY 2015 Exit Reason Statewide for Licensed Personnel by District
Charles Cohlmia on behalf of KDHE 9/1/2015 SY 2015 Percent of Kindergarteners on Free & Reduced Lunch by Building
Jonathan Flaucher on behalf of the USMC 8/31/2015 SY 2011 - 2015 Percent of Graduates that go on to 4-Year College by Building
Kevin Walker on behalf of the American Heart Association 8/27/2015 SY 2015 Enrollment and Graduation Information
Reesa Friggeri on behalf of the SEK Education Service Center 8/13/2015 SY 2014 The 4-Year & 5-Year Cohort Graduation Rates by Race and Free Lunch Status
Timothy Murray on behalf of Baker University 8/10/2015 SY 2011 - 2013% of 11th Grade Students in Various Categories
Melissa Hill on behalf of Girl Scouts of NEKS and NWMO 8/7/2015 SY 2015 Female Enrollment Information
Nathan Madden on behalf of Kansas Center for Economic Growth 8/6/2015 SY 2000 to current of High School Graduates & Number of Vacant Teaching Positions
Jacklyn Biggs on behalf of KU Center for Public Partnerships & Research 8/6/2015 Expulsion/Long-Term Suspension Rate and Four-Year Cohort Grad Rate for Students with at least One Long-Term Suspension/Expulsion
Data Sharing Agreement
Lisa Chaney on behalf of Greenbush 7/31/2015 SY 2014 & 2015 Unsuppressed Building Level Data
Julia Szabo on behalf of KCUR Public Radio 7/29/2015 SY 2014 Teacher Information
Kylie Campbell on behalf of USD 308 7/29/2015 SY 2015 & 2015 USD 308 Building Data
Jennifer Stull on behalf of Reno County Education Coop 7/29/2015 SY 2014 & 2015 Reno County Building Information
Sam Zeff on behalf of KCUR 7/27/2015 SY 2012-2015 Number of occurences of Seclusion & Restraint by District
Kylie Stewart on behalf of Greenbush 7/24/2015 SY 2015 MIS data request
Gary Musselman on behalf of the Kansas High School Activities Association 7/24/2015 SY 2015 Salaries Request
Julia Szabo on behalf of KCUR Public Radio 7/23/2015 SY 2011-2015 Number of Teachers Moved from Missouri to Kansas for each year
Dawn Platt on behalf of Blue Cross and Blue Shield 7/23/2015 Building Information for Wyandotte & Johnson Counties
Mitchell Tucker on behalf of the University of Missouri 7/17/2015 SY 2013 Assessment Results by Grade & Subject
Cheng-Chung Huang on behalf of the Kansas Health Institute 7/17/2015 Kids Count
Betty Schmidtberger on behalf of USD 373 7/16/2015 SY 2014 Seclusion & restraint Data for Districts by Building
Milan Sochor on behalf of Just4Web 7/15/2015 School Database Request
Sherry Howerton on behalf of K-12 7/15/2015 SY 2013 - 2015 Number of K-12 Full-time Enrollments
Christopher Day on behalf of Kansas City Kansas Community College 7/15/2015 SY 2014 5-Year Cohort Graduation Rate with Demographics
James Hendrickson on behalf of the University of Michigan 7/14/2015 SY's 2009-14 Expenditure Reports
Emily Self on behalf of Great Educators 7/14/2015 District and/or School URLs
Robert Vincent on behalf of Otter Graphics, Inc. 7/8/2015 USD Phone List
Elizabeth Stone on behalf of Educational Testing Service 7/6/2015 SY 2015 Extensive Assessment and Student Demographic Request
Nichole Blanchett on behalf of Legislative Post Audit 7/6/2015 Superintendent and School Board President Names and Email Addresses
Scott Gordon for KNEA 7/6/2015 KNEA requests the 2014-15 Teacher Mailing List in Excel Form
Jessica Sprague-Jones, PhD on behalf of University of Kansas 7/1/2015 SY 2014 All Pre-K Program Information Request
Susan Wagner for Data Driven Enterprises 6/29/2015 Results for State Performance Plan & Annual Performance Report Indicators for USDE Office of Special Education
Data Sharing Agreement
Erik Karre on behalf of Jayhawk Area Council, Boy Scouts of America 6/22/2015 SY 2015 Name, Address, Phone & Principal of all Schools in Shawnee County
Connor Oswald 6/19/2015 SY 2014 Number of students enrolled in physics, broken down by course
Erika Saleski 6/16/2015 SY 2014 Assessment scores for three elementary schools in Shawnee Mission School District
Martha K. Gabehart on behalf of Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns 6/16/2015 SY 2014 High School Students with State wide counts and completion counts
Nicklaus Strecker 6/16/2015 Licensed Employee List for the last 5 years for USD 355
Beth Fultz on behalf of CETE 6/12/2015 Sharing Data for Assessment Cycle with CETE
Johanna Epperson on behalf of MDR a D&B Company 6/2/2015 SY 2014 Post Graduate Plans by District
Jonathan Flaucher on behalf of the USMC 6/1/2015 Junior enrollment data for all Kansas Schools
Michelle Busk on behalf of Kansas State University 5/19/2015 SY 2013 - 2015  List of Districts that report students of military families
Calvin Bolt on behalf of Wichita State University 5/14/2015 SY 1989 - 2008  Total assessment value for schools in the State of Kansas
Phyllis Slipke 5/6/2015 Non-resident students by USD
David Dorsey on behalf of KPI 4/23/2015 Interlocal/Service Center - Personnel History
Amy Gaumer Erickson on behalf of KU Center for Research on Learning 4/22/2015 SY 2014 Special Education Development Grant at district level
Data Sharing Agreement
Hajime Mitani on behalf of Peabody 4/6/2015 SY 2006 - 2007 Assessment Data by Building
Alex Red Corn on behalf of KS Association of Native American Educators 4/3/2015 American Indian enrollment by district and building since 2006
Javier Dominguez on behalf of University of Central Florida 3/20/2015 SY 1997 - 2014 Start and end dates by building and district
Anand Shukla on behalf of University of CA, Santa Barbara 3/28/2015 SY 2000 - 2013 for each public high school enrollment, attendance rate, graduation rate, post graduation plans, ACT/SAT scores by subject, number students taking ACT/SAT.
Allison Tracy on behalf of Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College 3/12/2015 SY 2012 - 2013 Participation in all free/reduced lunch programs
Amy Gaumer Erickson on behalf of KU Center for Research on Learning 3/12/2015 Special Education Development Grant Evaluation supporting data - modifications
Data Sharing Agreement
David Dorsey on behalf of KPI 3/12/2015 SY 2014-2015 NonCertified Personnel for Interlocals (D0600)
David Dorsey on behalf of KPI 3/10/2015 SY 2014-2015 Certified Personnel for Interlocals (D0600) 
Connie Phelps on behalf of ESU 3/6/2015 SY 2005 - 2015 Gifted student data counts
Amy Gaumer Erickson on behalf of KU Center for Research on Learning 3/5/2015 Special Education Development Grant Evaluation supporting data
Data Sharing Agreement
Mario Salinas on behalf of Department of Corrections (Sedgwick County) 3/5/2015 SY 2013-2014 graduation rates for USD 259 Sedgwick County and state of Kansas
Cathi Lindsay on behalf of KNEA - Pittsburg 3/5/2015 SY 2014-2015 Certified/Licensed Personnel Interlocal Agreement 
Kylie Steward on behalf of Greenbush SEKESC 2/26/2015 Special Education Categorical Aid Program personnel attrition data
Nancy Olsen on behalf of KBOR 2/17/2015 SY 2013- 2014 Raw number used to determine dropout rate statewide
Rebekah Gaston on behalf of KS Appleseed 2/13/2015 SY 2013-2014 number of participants in State Breakfast Program (SBP) and National Student Lunch Program (NSLP)
Celia Llopis-Jepsent on behalf of Topeka Capital Journal 2/12/2015 SY 2008- 2014 educator attrition rates
Mark Erickson on behalf of Wichita Public Schools 2/11/2015 Assessment categories and scores for selected years & buildings in USD 259
Ressa Friggeri on behalf of SEK Education Service Center 2/10/2015 SY 2014-2015 Enrollment by grade by building for all public buildings
Ginger Heller on behalf of Consultant to Schools in CT & NY 2/10/2015 Name, addres, and phone number of all Kansas schools with grades 6, 7, or 8.
Ericka Feltrop on behalf of Wichita State University 2/10/2015 SY 2014-2015 district number, building name, building number and address of all public an private schools
Emily Schulte on behalf of Peru State College 2/10/2015 Teacher name, building , building addressm, and current position of people holding teaching certificates without Masters degree 
Patrick Dove on behalf of Higher Education Company 2/10/2015 Percentage of Educators with Master Degrees by District
Hanna Lamar/Beth Carlton on behalf of Child Care Links 2/10/2015 Number of active CACFP providers and number of people they support
Ebony Edwards on behalf of Center for Public Partnerships & Research 2/6/2015 SY 2014-2015 by school student enrollment 
Ebony Edwards on behalf of Center for Public Partnerships & Research 2/3/2015 SY 2013 - 2014 By building student demographic information by gender race-ethnicity, percentage SPED percentage proficient reading & math
Susan Fish on behalf of KBOR 2/3/2015 Number of adults enrolled in 2013 and 2014 and number of adults who graduated in 2013 and 2014.
Deb Bugner on behalf of KNEA 1/30/2015 Mailing list for active educators
Elaine Proulx on behalf of University of Colorado 1/29/2015 SY 2007 - 2015 Open/Close dates for all schools/districts in KS
Johanna Epperson on behalf of MDR a D&B Company 1/27/2015 SY 2014 - 2015 list of new school buildings in Kansas
Devon Fasbinder on behalf of KWCH Televison  1/27/2015 SY 2005 - 2014 Wichita, Hutchinson, Derby, Andover, Salina, Maize number of incidents of seclusion & restraint incidents and the number involving SPED students
Rebekah Gaston on behalf of KS Appleseed 1/22/2015 SY 2013- 2014 meal data for each individual SFSP site by breakfast, lunch & snack  by month
Charles Cohlmia on behalf of KDHE 1/22/2015 Fax number for buildings with kindergarten
David Carter 1/21/2015 SY 2014 Email addresses & leadership data for KS public high school and middled schools
 Mark Hauptman on behalf of USD 489 Cooperative 1/20/2015 SY 2005 - 2014 aggregate special education student level data
Trevor Christensen on behalf of KDHE 1/12/2015 SY 2013 building level FERPA compliant demographic and assessment data
Alice Sagehorn, PhD on behalf of Teaching & Leadership Pittsburgh State University, Pittsburgh,KS 1/12/2015 SY 2010 - 2014 SPED teacher individual salaries 
Scott Kautzi on behalf of Pepsico 1/8/2015 Summer food service program sponsors
Tim Murray on behalf of Baker University 1/5/2015 SY 2010 - 2014 statewide count of ELL students (11th grade only)
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