Student Record Exchange (SRE)

KSDE has implemented a new authenticated application called Student Record Exchange (SRE).  SRE is available free of charge to all districts to facilitate secure and efficient electronic exchange of student records as students move between schools in Kansas. SRE takes advantage of KSDE’s common authentication system and secure socket layer technology to provide an efficient, safe and secure way to send and receive student records.

 TitleDescriptionModified DateSize 
Quick Start Guide to SREThis is a short resource to help you navigate the SRE system.4/29/2014213.28 KBDownload
Registering for Access to SRE in Common AuthenticationThis document describes how to register for access to SRE or how to add SRE to an existing username in Common Authentication. This document also contains a description of the various access levels for SRE.4/28/2014686.58 KBDownload
SRE 2014-2015 User's GuideSRE provides a secure and efficient electronic exchange of student records as students move between schools in Kansas. 4/27/20151.85 MBDownload
SRE Contact In Directory UpdatesThis document explains the relationship between SRE and the Directory Updates system. It also describes where in Directory Updates you can edit the SRE Contact data.4/29/2014211.53 KBDownload
SRE Training Video HandoutThis PowerPoint is shared as part of the SRE Training video. The SRE Training video link is below.6/18/20142.20 MBDownload

SRE Training Video


If you are ready to learn more about SRE and how to use this system, please watch this SRE Training Video and send any SRE questions to

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