Data Sharing Requests 2014

Data Provided To Date Provided Description of Data
Kerry Schuckman on behalf of Fort Hays State University 12/29/2014 Percentage of licensed teachers from 2004 - 2014 that are FHSU graduates by endorsement area, leadership, and highly qualified.
Jiaxi Quan on behalf of KCAERC 12/29/2014 SY 2006 - 2014 aggregate post graduation plans by year, district, building
Mildred Edwards on behalf of Kansas African Affairs Commission 12/23/2014 SY  2010 - 2014 aggregated assessment and attendance data for grade 7.
Nilufer Guler on behalf of Ottawa University 12/22/2014 SY 2010 - 2014 ELL counts by county with ESOL endorsed teachers
Amy Reilly on behalf of USD 308 12/22/2014 SY 2014 audited ENRL data number of students who meet specified criteria
Martha Gabehart on behalf of KS Commission on Disability Concerns 12/19/2014 SY 2013 & 2014 count of students in high school in Career Tech Education programs
Deb Brehm on behalf of USD 343 12/17/2014 List of schools using Ed & Training, Bio Medical or AV Tech & Communications Pathways
Hajime Mitani on behalf of Vanderbilt University 12/15/2014 SY 2005 - 2006 Building level AYP results by demographic variables
Katherine Beers on behalf of Boston University 12/15/2014 SY 2004 - 2014 Summer Food Service Program sites and count of meal types served by month
Nicole Foster Pittsburg, KS 12/12/2014 Kansas teachers by subject area and type of endorsement
Rebekah Gaston on behalf of Kansas Appleseed 12/10/2014 2014 Summer Food Service Program Sponsors
Ericka Welsh on behalf of KDHE 12/9/2014 Student level KS Fitness Information (K-FIT) 
Nilufer Guler on behalf of Ottawa University 12/3/2014 Statewide graduation rates of ELL students, dropout rates of ELL students, number of ELL students, number of ELL endorsed teachers
Christian Long on behalf of Wichita Urban Professionals 12/2/2014 SY 2012 - 2014 count ofUSDE 259 CTE students by Pathways cluster 
Daniel Zack on behalf of the City of Wichita 11/25/2014 Reading proficiency, graduation rates by race, ELL and low income
Bea Peters on behalf of the National Center for Fathering 11/20/2014 Mailing list for public and private schools in Kansas within 100 miles of Kansas City
Jenni Ferguson on behalf of the Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment 11/19/2014 SY 2014-2015 Building level aggregate demographic data
Joanna Lloyd on behalf of Farm to School Company 11/17/2014 Mailing list of school food service directors
Molly Thomas on behalf of the Center for Reinventing Public Education 11/13/2014 SY 2012-2015  Demographic data, graduation rate data, and state standardized assessment data for all Kansas schools
Chalra Heddin, PhD student at Wichita State University  11/10/2014 SY 2009-2014 Suspension and expulsion rate for students with EBD 
Debbie Dyche on behalf of the Kansas Association of School Boards 11/7/2014 SY 2014-2015 Non-resident head counts
Roger Billing on behalf of Salazar Educational Training & Consulting 11/7/2014 Child care centers and family day care homes enrolled in the USDA Child Care Food Program
Debbie Dyche on behalf of the Kansas Association of School Boards 11/7/2014 SY 2004-2014 Teacher attrition rates in Kansas
Sharon Wegner on behalf of Kansas Legislative Research 11/6/2014 SY 2013-2014 Number of full-time students in virtual schools
Adam Pfeiffer on behalf of Nelnet - Education Planning and Finance 11/4/2014 Mailing list and phone numbers of all Kansas schools
Jessica Hogan on behalf of South Central Service Cooperative District 11/4/2014 Mailing list of all Kansas schools
Derek Ozkal on behalf of the Kansas City Business Journal 11/3/2014 Average 2014 ACT scores for school districts in Leavenworth, Wyandotte and Johnson counties
Felicity Balluch on behalf of USD 383 10/29/2014 Use of seclusion in Kansas schools
Ted Carter on behalf of the Kansas Association of School Boards 10/23/2014 Revenue and expenditures by fund 
Dann Stevens on behalf of Timberline Billing Services 10/21/2014 SY 2013-2014 Medicaid Funds received by Kansas schools 
Kimm Myers on behalf of Southwest Plains Regional Service Center 10/20/2014 Number of ELL students by district
Jenni Ferguson on behalf of the Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment 10/13/2014 SY 2013-2014 Building level aggregate demographic data
Amals Arce 10/10/2014 SY 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Enrollment and science scores (performance categories and mean, median scale scores) by grade building and district
Lisa Chaney on behalf of the Southeast Kansas Education Center at Greenbush 10/10/2014 Mean and median assessment scores, attendance rates and aggregates number suspended/expelled for S3 high schools
Gary Musselman on behalf of the Kansas Hight School Activities Association 10/2/2014 SY 2013-2014 Licensed personnel salaries
Jeremy Knodel on behalf of the U.S. Air Force 10/1/2014 SY 2013-2014 District level aggregate student, free lunch, and reduced lunch count
Breanna Morrison on behalf of the University of Arkansas 9/30/2014 SY 2013-2014 Percentage of economically disadvantaged students and white students by school; Percentage of students at or above standards in reading and in math in 11th grade by school; Percentage of attendance and graduation by school; Percentage of core content classes taught by highly qualified teachers by school; School enrollment size by school 
Ryan Williams on behalf of the American Institutes for Research 9/29/2014 Standardized test scale scores in all subjects tested for all tested grades in Kansas K-12 public schools
Natalie Nacireno-Paquet on behalf of WestEd 9/29/2014 Sy 2013-2014 MTSS evaluation data
Heidi Zimmerman on behalf of Legislative Post Audit 9/29/2014 SY 2013-2014 Expenditure and revenue budget data and meal counts
Abbie Lieberman on behalf of New American Foundation 9/25/2014 SY 2011-2014 Federal reimbursement funds received by each public school district for school meals and for commodities separately
Jiaxi Quan on behalf of the Kansas City Area Educational Research Consortium 9/22/2014 SY 1993-2013 Enrollment data by building, grade, race/ethnicity
Valerie Bostwick on behalf of the University of California Santa Barbara 9/19/2014 SY 2007-2013 Start and end time for Kansas schools; aggregate assessment results in math and reading
Jessica LaFollette 9/19/2014 Number of certified gifted teachers in Kansas
Suk Keum Im, PhD student at the University of Kansas 9/19/2014 SY 2011-2012 Assessment data in reading and math
Mitchell Tucker on behalf of the University of Missouri-Columbia 9/17/2014 SY 2007-2012 Percentage of students at each proficiency level for reading and math
Ebony Edwards 9/16/2014 SY 2012-2013 Percentage of reading proficient by building and student demographics
Ghada Homsi on behalf of RTI International 9/29/2014 SY 2011-2012 and SY 2012-2013 Student K-FIT/Finesssgram data
Yusun Jung, PhD student at the University of Kansas 9/10/2014 SY 2013 -2014 Count of ESOL certified teachers in 19 USDs
Sungti Hsu 9/10/2014 Educators with restricted license type
(Link to Data Sharing Agreement)
Cynthia Taylor on behalf of the University of Kansas 9/10/2014 SY 2012-2013 KELI Data from all schools in Finney County; data provided prior to SDPA going into effect on 7/1/2014
Jessica LaFollette 9/4/2014 Number of gifted students in K-12 by grade and by race
Joe Monaco on behalf of the University of Kansas 9/4/2014 Mailing lists for Kansas superintendents, administrators and school board presidents
(Link to Data Sharing Agreement)
Cyndi Treaster on behalf of the Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment 8/22/2014 SY 2013-2014 Number of English Language Learners and their home languages for all districts
Kansas State Legislature 8/20/2014 By district, Kansas educators' building mailing and email addresses
Melissa Hill on behalf of Girl Scouts of NE Kansas and NW Missouri 8/5/2014 SY 2013-2014 Female enrollment by county and building
Wentana Gebru on behalf of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools 7/29/2014 SY 2014 Enrollment count by building, grade, race-ethnicity, ELL, and SPED
Ron Sarnacki on behalf of USD 465 7/25/2014 SPED by Exceptionality for districts associated with cooperative
Dylan Kotubery on behalf of Ingram's Business Magazine 7/25/2014 SY 2012-2013 Mean and median ACT scores by building
National Center for Education Statistics 7/24/2014 Private/Non-Public schools in Kansas
Celia Llopis-Jepsen on behalf of the Topeka Capital Journal 7/23/2014 SY 2011-2014 Elementary endoresements issued
Xan Wedell on behalf of the Institute for Policy & Social Research, University of Kansas 7/23/2014 SY 2013-2014 FERPA compliant free and reduced lunch counts by county
Shannon Bradford on behalf of the National Council on Teacher Quality 7/23/2014 2013 and 2014 Graduates from all Kansas teaching programs
Tim Murray, PhD student at Baker University 7/20/2014 SY 1999 Teacher/pupil ratio by building 
Tanya Longabach on behalf of the University of Kansas School of Education 7/9/2014 Sy 2013 Item level data for ELL KELPA students
Ressi Friggeri on behalf of Southeast Kansas Education Service Center 7/3/2014 Mean and median reading and math scores for Eudora High School
Lauren Vashaw on behalf of Evergreen Education Group 6/30/2014 SY 2013 Virtual enrollment count
Shannon Riley on behalf of Envision 6/18/2014 SY 2013 Students classified as "blind" or "visually impaired" in grades K-12
Jerry Rodriguez on behalf of the Regional Prevention Center of Johnson County 6/18/2014 SY 2013 Students with truancy flag for Johnson County
Tim Murry, PhD student at Baker University 6/18/2014 SY 2011 through 2014 Number of ELL students in Kansas 6/18/2014 Summer Food Service Program information
Matt Orzulak on behalf of Dole Lifespan Institute 6/18/2014 Top five first languages by county for grades preschool through 2nd
Charles Cohlmia on behalf of the Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment 6/18/2014 SY 2014 Building enrollment by grade
Sarah Heinen on behalf of the Kansas Dept. of Commerce 6/18/2014 SY 2013 Post-graduation plans
Marti Leisinger on behalf of the Kansas Board of Regents 6/18/2014 Statewide report on current teacher credentials
John Jacobs on behalf of Wichita State University 6/18/2014 SY 2013 Building enrollment data
Renee Stratton on behalf of Chabin Concepts 6/2/2014 SY 2013 ACT scores for USD 231
John Staton on behalf of Southeast Kansas Education Service Center 6/2/2014 SY 2014 Percentage of free and reduced lunch counts by district building
Max Binder on behalf of Great Schools 5/21/2014 SY 2013 Enrollment and assessment data at  building and grade level 
Eric Hasselbusch on behalf of Benchmark, Inc. 5/13/2014 Directory information
Vincent Torres on behalf of Westat 5/12/2014 SY 2013 FERPA compliant assessment results in math, reading and science
Sheri King on behalf of USD 480 5/12/2014 SY 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 List of Title I schools in USD 480
Cheng-Chung Huang on behalf of the Kansas Health Institute 5/8/2014 SY 2013 Reading proficiency of 5th graders; 4-year cohort graduation rates by county; free and reduced price lunch enrollment in K-12 public schools by county; percentage of schools that offer pre-K and/or 4-year-old at risk programs by county; and percentage of public schools that offer full-day, every day kindergarten by county
Captain Landon Dunaway on behalf of the US Marine Corp 5/6/2014 SY 2014 Grade 11 headcount by building by gender
Louann Rinner on behalf of the Center for Child Health & Development 5/5/2014 SY 2014 Percentage of kindergarten and pre-K students who speak English as first language and percentage who speak Spanish as first language
Johanna Epperson on behalf of MDR (a D&B Company) 5/2/2014 SY 2013 Post graduation plans
Pan Burrus on behalf of MidAmerican Nazarene University 5/2/2014 SY 2013 Percentage of teachers with an advanced degree (Master/Doctorate) in selected school districts
Dawsey Robins on behalf of Utah State University 4/22/2014 SY 2011 - 2012 Outcomes Postschool application and KAN-SERV exit data for students with disabilities (not gifted) age 14 and over.
(Link to Data Sharing Agreement)
(Link to Data Sharing Agreement)
(Link to Data Sharing Agreement)
Ayushi Narayan on behalf of Dartmouth Collage 4/22/2014 SY 2006 - 2012 Count of student dropout in Kansas aggregated by county number and gender.
David Smith on behalf of Kansas City Kansas Public Schools 4/22/2014 SY 2014 number of course credits needed for graduation from each school district in Kansas.
Chuck Schmidt on behalf of Independence USD 446 4/22/2014 SY 2014 email addresses and leadership data for all public high schools and middle schools in Kansas.
Ressa Figgeri on behalf of SEK Education Service Center 4/18/2014 SY 2013 mean scores of reading & math for high school grade 10 or 11 for selected school buildings.
Ressa Figgeri on behalf of SEK Education Service Center 4/9/2014 SY 2013 API score in  reading & math by building,  district and school AMO category.
Ressa Friggeri on behalf of Greenbush 4/9/2014 SY 2013 Kansas performance assessment data aggregated by subject,  grade,  district and school.
Ari Hirschhorn on behalf of Westat 4/8/2014 SY 2013 average ACT scores of all high schools in Kansas aggregated by building. 
Ron Larson on behalf of USD 400 4/8/2014 School buildings that have closed during the past three years.
Nola Brown on behalf of Downing Foundation & TOP Early Learning Centers 3/27/2014 SY 2013 Count of proficiency levels of 3rd graders state assessments in Math and Reading for USD 259 (Wichita) & USD 260 (Derby)
Department of Revenue  3/27/2014 SY 2013 USD data for all school districts in Kansas
Maarvia Jones on behalf of the University of Kansas 3/27/2014 SY 2010 - 2013 Count of student expelled or suspended for longer than 30 days by race/ethnicity, grade and year for top 15 counties in Kansas
Maureen Weiss on Educational Design Solutions 3/25/2014 SY 2013 number of students in each assessment rating category for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders aggregated by building, race,  gender and SPED status.
Carolyn Cole on behalf of Technology Student Association 3/20/2014 SY 2014 All the schools that indicated Technology Student of America in their pathway.
Dr. Rick Ginsberg on behalf of University of Kansas 3/20/2014 SY 2012 and 2013 test data for students of KU  graduates who are teaching in Kansas
(Link to Data Sharing Agreement)
Aparna Bellur on behalf of Public Consulting Group Company 3/20/2014 SY 2013 count and percent  of students with primary exceptionality in each USD in Kansas
Karen Templeton on behalf of Kansas City Kansas Community College 3/13/2014 SY 2011 through 2013 Count of graduates for USD in Wyandotte and Leavenworth counties
Miguel de Araujo on behalf of Harris-Stowe State University 3/4/2014 SY 2014 school name, principal name, mailing address and phone number of all public high schools in KS
Dana Blubaugh on behalf of Pittsburgh State University 3/4/2014 SY 2014 Enrollment count for each school in Kansas
Member of Kansas State Legislature 2/28/2014 SY 2013 All educators salaries information for USD 210.
USD 457 for a request from the Office of Civil Rights. 2/24/2014 SY 2011-2012  dropout rates for Limited English Proficient (LEP) students and non-LEP students at the district level.
Kansas State Legislature 2/21/2014 SY 2013 count of nationally board certified teachers with a teaching assignment.
Sarah Friederichsen 2/21/2014 SY 2014 Kansas Public School Directory information.
Matt Orzulak on behalf of University of KS Lifespan Institute 2/21/2014  SY 2013 count of SPED students in counties around Douglas aggregated by county, age and disability code.
Kansas State Legislature 2/17/2014 SY 2009-2014 count of students receiving free lunches aggregated by district and county.
Kansas State Legislature 2/14/2014 SY 2014 count of students receiving Free & Reduced Lunches by race/ethnicity.
Kansas State Legislature 2/14/2014 SY 2014 State unaudited headcount of enrolled students aggregated by grade, race and gender.
Stacy Shaw on behalf of RTI International 2/14/2014 SY 2014 State, district and school-level test data for all districts and schools in the state regarding Reading, Math and Science tests.
Rachel Janes on behalf of Youth Entrepreneurs 2/14/2014 SY 2012-2014 number of high school enrolled students aggregated by county, district and school.
Deb Bugner on behalf of Kansas National Education Association 2/14/2014 SY 2014 number of school days for each Kansas public school.
Cathi Lindsay on behalf of Kansas National Education Association 2/7/2014 SY 2014 count of Certified/Licensed Personnel in each of the Inter local organizations aggregated by special education service specialty.
Jim Persinger on behalf of Emporia State University 2/3/2014 SY 1997-2014 Number of new K-12 teachers trained in KS each year by district entrance code and degree description.
Jim Persinger on behalf of Emporia State University 2/3/2014 SY 2014 total number of social workers, school psychologists & school counselors in KS schools.
Chase Morgan on behalf of Responsive Education 2/3/2014 SY 2013 list of charter schools and assessment data aggregated by performance level in each subject area.
Nick Holke on behalf of FindTheBest  2/3/2014 SY 2013 list of public, private and state schools and assessment data aggregated by performance level in each subject area.
Ressa Friggeri on behalf of Southeast Kansas Education Services Center 2/3/2014 SY 2013 Kansas student dropout rate aggregated by district, grade, gender and ethnicity.
Kurt Brown on behalf of Northeast Kansas Education Service Center 2/3/2014 SY 2007-2013 count of students receiving special education services aggregated by special education corporative and exceptionality code.
Kansas State Legislature 1/28/2014 SY 2007-2013 Percent of students in 3rd and 4th grade proficient in reading and math and are receiving free or reduced lunches by district and grade.
Kansas State Legislature 1/28/2014 SY 2013 The number of Priority and Focus Schools that have improved from 2012 to 2013.
Kansas State Legislature 1/22/2014 SY 2012-2014 Count of students attending each district under the KSA 72-1046b law (over 10 mile, 2.5 mile law).
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