KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

FHSU offering workshops designed for school counselors, K-12 educators

Fort Hays State University is hosting three workshops via Zoom this summer designed for school counselors and K-12 educators. 

Workshop information and times are: 

  • Trauma-Informed Practices: 9-11 a.m. July 25-26 via Zoom. Participants will learn the necessary skills to implement trauma-informed practices. For questions about the workshop, contact Dr. Sarah M. Lancaster at smlancaster2@fhsu.edu. The registration deadline is July 17. Cost: $40. To register, contact Mary Cooper by email at mccooper2@fhsu.edu or by phone at (785) 628-4283. One-, two- or three-course credits available. To apply for college credit at FHSU, contact Heather Musil at hjmusil@fhsu.edu
  • Introduction to Restorative Practices and Using Circles Effectively: Noon-2 p.m. July 25-26 via Zoom. Participants will learn the necessary skills to prepare and facilitate restorative circles. For questions about the workshop, contact Dr. Sarah M. Lancaster at smlancaster2@fhsu.edu. The registration deadline is July 17. Cost is $40. To register, contact Mary Cooper by email at mccooper2@fhsu.edu or by phone at (785) 628-4283. One-, two- or three-course credits available. To apply for college credit at FHSU, contact Heather Musil at hjmusil@fhsu.edu
  • Maximizing Learning - Leveraging the Science of Reading in the Content Areas: 1-4:30 p.m. July 11-13 via Zoom. This workshop Is for all educators, grades fourth through 12th, especially those who teach science, social studies, technical subject and English language arts. Gain an understanding of how the Science of Reading informs instruction in content areas, allowing students more effective access to text. The registration deadline Is July 5. Cost is $15. To register, contact Mary Cooper by email at mccooper2@fhsu.edu or by phone at (785) 628-4283. For more information, contact Dr. Carrie Tholstrup at cbtholstrup@fhsu.edu
Posted: Jun 22, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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