KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

KPATA offers professional development for early childhood providers, members

The Kansas Parents as Teachers Association (KPATA) hosts a variety of professional development for early childhood providers and members, including monthly trainings that are topic specific. 

The training session for July is “Podcast: The Science of Intimacy with Our Kids” by Janet Lansbury. It will take place from 1-2:30 p.m. on July 20. August’s topic is “Safe Sleep,” and September’s is “Literacy Loving Home Visits.” 

KPATA is a 501(c)3 statewide organization that supports early childhood education programs in Kansas with a parent education component. The association provides leadership, professional development, and advocacy to build quality programs throughout the state. 

To register to become a KPATA member and access trainings, click here

To view the entire 2023-2024 training schedule, click here

Posted: Jun 29, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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