Career Standards and Assessment Services (CSAS) Menu

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Career Clusters and Pathways

A Career Cluster is a grouping of occupations and broad industries based on commonalities. The 16 Career Clusters organize academic and occupational knowledge and skills into a coherent course sequence and identify pathways from secondary schools to two- and four-year colleges, graduate schools, and the workplace. Students learn in school about what they can do in the future. This connection to future goals motivates students to work harder and enroll in more rigorous courses.
16 Career Clusters PDF
2024-2025 Approved Pathways by DistrictList of all state-approved pathways, sorted by District numberPDF
2024-2025 Approved Pathways by Pathway NameList of all state-approved pathways, sorted by Pathway Name.PDF
2024-2025 Pathways TimelineImportant Dates related to PathwaysPDF
2025-2026 Summary of Pathway ChangesSummary of Pathway Changes for 2025-2026PDF
CTE Cluster ReviewsUpdated September 2024 PDF
Kansas Career Cluster Guidance Handbook SY 2024-2025  
Kansas Career Cluster Guidance Handbook SY 2025-2026 PDF
KSDE CTE Sunflower (2024-2025) PDF

Career Cluster Pathway Program of Study Application (CPPSA)

Pathway User's Guide 2024-2025DOC 
Student Follow-Up Data Fact SheetPDFGuidance for Pathways Student Data Follow-Up.
CPPSA Overview TrainingPDFCareer Pathway Program of Study Application training slides
Pathways Student Data Management ChecklistPDFPathways Student Data Management Checklist provides a step by step procedure guide for assigning and updating students to Pathways.
Pathway Deletion FormPDFThe Pathway Deletion Form should be filled out and submitted to the Pathways Help Desk if your district no longer wants to maintain a pathway or receive the funding associated with this pathway.
Pathways Application ChecklistPDFNew to Pathways? This checklist will help everyone with how to create new pathways or submit maintenance information on old pathway applications. It is a step by step guide.
Student Data Management TrainingPPTPathways Student Data Management Training provides instruction on how to assign and update students in Pathways, which is a required process when receiving Perkins' funds.

Career & Technical Education Information Documents

Authenticated ApplicationLinkLink to the Kansas State Department of Education Authenticated Applications website.
Blank Program of StudyDOC 
CPPSA Workday for New StaffMP4November 2020. Presentation for CPPSA training workshop.
CTE Documentation Reference SheetPDFThis document explains what items need to be retained locally and what needs to be submitted to KSDE.
Pathway SMART Goal ExamplesPDFSMART goal examples from Ag Pathways
Pathways Student Data Management PresentationPPT 
Pathways Student Data Management PresentationLinkYouTube video
SMART Goals for Pathway Improvement PlansPDFGuidance for developing SMART goals for a pathway.
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