School Finance distributes state and federal aid to USDs, food service providers, and other educational agencies. Provides data that is beneficial to school boards, school administrators, legislators, and others who may be interested in the educational programs of local public school districts.
What's New? Budget Information Budget Packet Guidelines and Manuals Indirect Cost Rates Interest Letter Legal Max General Fund, School FInance Studies - Base Aid For Student Excellence (BASE)(KSA 72-5132) - At-Risk Pupil Weighting - At-Risk Weighting (KSA 72-5151) - Bilingual Weighting (KSA 72-5150) - Career Technical Education Weighting (KSA 72-5155) - High Enrollment Weighting Threshold (KSA 72-5149) - Low Enrollment Weighting Threshold (KSA 72-5149) - Special Education State Aid Weighting (KSA 72-5157) - General Fund Mill Levy (KSA 72-5142) Legislation Maps (District Boundaries) KSDE School District Lookup Military Families Payment Information Safe and Secure Schools School Bus Safety School Finance Law - Kansas School Equity and Enhancement Act (KSEEA) (current law) - History of KSEEA and other School Finance Laws since 2017 - School District Finance and Quality Performance Act (prior law) and Amendments to School District Finance Tax Credit for Low Income Students Scholarship Program Teacher Loan Cancellation
School Finance Director Dale Brungardt (785) 296-3872
School Finance Assistant Director Sara McCullah (785) 296-4972
Questions about this page? Katie Albright (785) 296-3872
The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. (more information...)
To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at or by 785-296-3201.