Breakout sessions for the Kansas State Department of Education’s Great Ideas in Education Conference, which takes place Oct. 19-21 at the Hyatt Regency in Wichita, have been announced.
College credit also is available. For more information on college credit, click here.
Register here: Bring a team and get a discount. Buy four registrations and get one free. Use of your Title II and possibly ESSER funds are appropriate expenditures for this professional learning conference.
Hotel: Don’t forget to book your room. The room block is filling up with the lower rate of $125 per night. The lower rate room block closes on Sept. 29. Click here to reserve a hotel room.
Breakout sessions are:
Dr. Zakry Akagi-Bustin
Kansas City, Kansas, USD 500
Improving Attitudes Toward Teaching with Efficacy and Equity
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dr. Moses Rumano
Friends University
The Voice of the Voiceless: Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Society
William Parrett & Kathleen Budge
Keynote speakers
Uncommon Sense, Uncommon Success: Turning Any High Poverty School into a High Performing School "2"
Carmen Zeisler
Building Circles and Community Around Picture Books! Let's Learn From Others: A focus on a diverse collection of biographies
Casey Escola
Committee for Children
Social-Emotional Learning Assessments in Early Learning and Beyond
Early Learning Opportunities
Tabatha Rosproy
Kansas Parent Information Resource Center
The Power of Play in Early Childhood and Beyond
Jennifer Adhima & Kim Kennedy
Kansas Head Start Association and Head Start Collaboration Office
The Art of Kindergarten Transitions: How Head Start and School Districts can Partner for Successful Transitions.
Dr. Rebekah Varvel
Leavenworth USD 453
All Means All: Enhancing Inclusion Opportunities for Early Childhood Education
Sandra L Bequette
Wichita State University
Phonological Awareness Development: Implications for the Early Childhood Classroom and Beyond
Jane Groff
Bringing Attendance Home
KESA Accreditation Components
Tara Taylor
Pre-K and Head Start Cowley County USD 470
Kindergarten Readiness Bright Spots for Accreditation and the Kansas Can Star Recognition Program
Trevor Ashcraft
Onaga-Havensville-Wheaton USD 322
Making Sense of KESA Data
Tamara Huff
𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮 A, B, C, D, E, & I 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮 (Accreditation Blueprint Contains Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
Jay Scott
Sharpen the Focus: Engaging in a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Process
Melanie Scott
The Art of Quality Data
Oh, Conflict, Where Are You?
School Finance, Effective Leadership, Building Staff/Team
Chris Jochum
Fort Hays State University
A Practical Approach to Serving as an Educational Leader
John Calvert
Time to Remember
Kellen J. Adams
Chanute USD 413
School Finance & Budget Basics for Kansas School Leaders
Christina Mann
Kansas MTSS
The Power of School Climate on Achievement and Wellbeing: How to Use Your New School Climate Report
Tammy Fellers
The Art of Thriving Instructional Teams
An Overview of Active Assailant Trainings Provided by KSDE
Christie Fouts
Beloit USD 273
Learning by Doing - Engaging Students & Making Career Connections with Hands-on STEM
Standards, Competencies and Assessments
Jessica LaFollette
Kansas Association for the Gifted, Talented, & Creative
Differentiating Up! The Art of Enriching and Extending the Curriculum for High Ability Learners
Natalie Patton
Kansas MTSS and Alignment
How Teachers are Analyzing Growth to Inform Math Instruction
Matthew Clay
Using 360 Videos and Photos to Teach Science and Engineering Practices
Dr. Mark L. Johnson
Pittsburg State University
Creating Work-Based Experiences through Registered Apprenticeships
Erynn Youngers
Clearwater USD 264
From Co"blab"eration to Collaboration
Heather Calvert
Attacked Subgroup Disparities through Formative Assessments
Kim Rasmussen
ACT Inc.
ACT and PreACT: Powerful for KESA and IPS
Alison Brooke Nikkel
Hesston USD 460
Nuggets of Neuroscience: Addressing the Well-Being of Educators
Teacher Retention and Recruitment
Jill Wood
Grow Your Own: How the Teacher Apprentice Program (TAP) Can Help Fill Teacher Vacancies in Your District
Shane Carter/ Joe Midgley
Alternative Pathways to the Classroom: Understanding the Limited Apprentice License (LAL), Limited Elementary Apprentice License (LEAP), Teacher Apprentice Program (LTAP), and the Restricted License
Cris Seidel
Greenbush Educational Service Center
Lions, Tigers, and Vacancies... Oh My!
Dr. Deborah Hamm
Wichita State University, Kansas Mentor and Induction Center
Using Mentor Relationships to Impact Teacher Retention
Mischel Miller
Kansas State University
Mentoring the Pipeline: Impactful Leadership for Teacher Retention
Dr. Jim Granada
WSU Transition to Teaching: A Unique Approach to Alternative Routes
Katie Perez
Increasing Compassion Satisfaction to Improve Staff Retention
Dr. John Montford
Dodge City USD 443
A Study of Novice Elementary Teachers’ Voices on Their Retention and the Role of Instructional Coaching
Todd Roberts
Kansas Future Teacher Academy (Emporia State University)
Kansas Future Teacher Academy- Grow Your Own starting with high school students
Angie Salava
Olathe USD 233
Supporting the Whole Child--How One District has Implemented Comprehensive Behavioral and Mental Health Services
Whole Community, Whole School, Whole Child
Creativity and Problem Solving: The Missing Education Link
Chris Perry
Keystone Learning Service and Cultivate Education LLC.
Breaking Through SEL Data Inertia
James Moffett
Hutchinson USD 308
Now What? Putting Trauma Informed Practice into Action - 5 Must Do's for Schools
Lyndsey Brown, PhD
Out-Of-The-Box School Counseling
Dr. Christie Henderson
El Dorado USD 490 and Wichita State University
Meet Sam! The Perfect Marriage of Therapy Dog Work and School Counseling
Ginger Lewman
Self-Care is a Lie: Building Sustainable Systems of CoCare
Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz
Building Resilience Through Co-Regulation
Sarah Lancaster
Restorative Practices: The Action Component for Social Emotional Learning
In this edition | Feature Story | Assessments and Accountability | Reporting and Operations Standards and Instruction | Student Health and Nutrition | Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition
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