KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Dole Institute of Politics hosts 2024 Civic Engagement and Election Conference for Kansas teachers

Applications are still being accepted for the 17th annual Civic Engagement and Election Conference at the Dole Institute of Politics at The University of Kansas. The event, July 24-26, is for Kansas government, history and social studies teachers.  

This conference brings together high school and middle school teachers to discuss and debate the significance of getting young people involved in civic engagement, public service and in local, state, and national elections. Youth voting (18-24 years of age) is increasing around the country and interest is at an all-time high.  

The conference also includes elected officials, professors, and current and retired teachers.  

The deadline for completed applications has been extended to Friday, April 26.  

The Dole Institute will provide a $300 stipend, two nights lodging, meals, and reimbursement for mileage/tolls up to $300. 

Up to 20 teachers may be selected to attend the conference. If you would like to attend, complete the application and include your short essay. Preference will be given to teachers who have not attended this conference in the past.  

Please send the completed application to bballard@ku.edu or mvignola66@ku.edu or by mail to Dr. Barbara W. Ballard, Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, 2350 Petefish Drive, Lawrence, KS, 66045.  

All applicants will be notified of their status by Monday, May 6. Contact Dr. Ballard at bballard@ku.edu or (785) 864-4900.  

Posted: Apr 18, 2024,
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