The Kansas State Department of Education is hosting “Connecting the Dots...For Learning,” March 3-4, in Manhattan.
This assessment conference will offer real-world practice sessions featuring teachers, teams, and systems from across Kansas who have embraced proven assessment practices to support teaching and learning. Teachers, leaders, and technical support personnel will learn more about how formative assessments are the foundation to a balanced assessment system.
A new direction. A new date. A new event for district and building leadership teams.
Big changes are coming to KSDE’s Great ideas in Education Conference, and we think you’re going to like them.
KSDE has been promoting the importance of building coherence in Kansas’ school improvement efforts to effect meaningful change. That coherence must extend to the function and purpose of KSDE’s annual conference.
A training session is scheduled for Feb. 5 on how to submit the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) and Spring Vacancy Report (SVR) in the Educator Data Collection System (EDCS). This training is geared toward “EDCS beginners,” but anyone can attend.
In collaboration with the Kansas education service centers, KSDE is offering professional development opportunities this spring to support the Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA) school improvement efforts and literacy initiatives prioritized by the Kansas State Board of Education.
Brookes Publishing and the Kansas Inservice Training System (KITS) are offering a training session in February on effectively using the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children, Third Edition® (AEPS-3®) to collect data and develop goals to guide instruction.
Kansas educators interested in FastBridge sessions, but are unable to join can use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5.
Each FastBridge district can request an administrator workshop on topics such as onboarding, data reviews and more. Schedule it by using the form and select option #6.
31: Curriculum leaders meeting, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Bishop Professional Development Center, in Topeka. Register here. Contact Pat Bone,, with questions.
5: Educator Data Collection System (EDCS) training, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Those attending in-person need to contact Leslie Bruton,, or (785) 296-8011, to register. In-person training is in the first floor board room, Suite 102, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, in Topeka. Those attending virtually: Click here for the Zoom link. Meeting ID: 876 8995 0847
5: Early Childhood virtual ECHO Series, 12-1 p.m. Register here. Contact with questions.
6: Farm to School regional workshops, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Lyons. Contact Barb Depew,, to register and for questions.
A new direction. A new date.
This is the final reminder for administrators of Local Consolidated Plans (LCPs) to register for the Jan. 28 quarterly meetings.
The mandatory Fiscal Year 2024 annual reporting survey for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds is now open.
The Qualtrics survey link has been sent via the ESSER listserv. The deadline for submission is March 7.
A training session is scheduled for Feb. 5, on how to submit the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) and Spring Vacancy Report (SVR) in the Educator Data Collection System (EDCS). This training is geared toward “EDCS beginners,” but anyone can attend.
This session will be offered via Zoom and also simultaneously in-person in Room 102, first floor board room, at the Kansas State Department of Education, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, in Topeka.
A three-part series of virtual trainings focused on young learners and strategies to address behavior in the early childhood setting will be offered in the coming months using the ECHO model of tele-mentoring. This professional development opportunity is hosted by Telehealth ROCKS of the University of Kansas-Medical Center.
Kansas educators interested in a FastBridge session below, but are unable to join can use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5.
23: Child care northeast regional roundtable, 6:30-8 p.m., Shawnee County Health Department, JP Lewis building, training rooms A and B, 2600 S.W. East Circle Drive, in Topeka. Register here. Contact Meghan Kluth,, with questions.
24: Structured literacy training, Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
24: Introduction to ASQ training, virtual, 9 a.m. – noon. Click here to register. Contact Stacy Clarke,, with questions.
27: English Language Arts training, Greenbush, Girard. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
Two training events are scheduled in the coming weeks for how to submit the Licensed Personnel Report (LPR) and Spring Vacancy Report (SVR) in the Educator Data Collection System (EDCS). This training will be geared toward “EDCS beginners”, but anyone can attend.
Early childhood professionals, caregivers, community members working to support local child care efforts, and anyone with an interest in child care in Kansas are invited to join a regional roundtable event to share your experiences with child care in your region.
Registration is now open for the following third and fourth quarterly meetings for administrators of Local Consolidated Plans (LCPs).
If interested in a FastBridge session listed below, but are unable to join, use the Newsletter Engagement Form to request additional dates and times using option #5.
16: Kansas Preschool Pilot grant application due. Contact Natalie McClane,, or Amanda Petersen,, with questions.
17: English Language Arts training, ESSDACK, Hutchinson. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
17: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)/Title III needs assessment survey due. Contact Emily Scott,, with questions.
18: Deadline to register for Innovate Next Steps: Pre-K-12 Learning conference, Feb. 8, at Bethany College. Click here to register. Contact Alan English,, or (785) 227-3380, with questions.
Renaissance has consolidated their legacy customer support systems for all products into a new, comprehensive system. As of Jan. 1, all support requests are handled via the new system to provide a more seamless experience for all cases for a customer’s account.
All Renaissance support emails, website addresses, and phone numbers will remain unchanged so customers can continue to access support with no downtime in service.
Upcoming FastBridge virtual trainings:
9: KSDE offices closed for National Day of Mourning.
9: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean School Bus Rebate Program applications due by 5 p.m. CST. Click here for more information. Contact with questions.
9: English Language Arts training, Orion, Clearwater. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
13: Structured literacy training, Greenbush, Girard. Register here. Contact Dr. Laurie Curtis,, with questions.
13: KESA virtual monthly update, 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Click here to join the Zoom. Contact for more information.
14: Science collaboration for curriculum leaders, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
14-15: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. Click here for the agenda and meeting materials.
A “What’s New with HirePaths?” webinar has been scheduled for 12-1 p.m., on Jan. 8. Click here for the Zoom link.
HirePaths introduces Kansas kids of all ages to high demand jobs our state will need in the future. Materials are free for educators and families to use.
Veteran educators, anyone considering a career in education, and anyone in between is invited to Bethany College’s education conference, on Feb. 8.
The deadline to register is Jan. 18.
Attendees will have an opportunity to earn graduate credit, obtain professional development points, collaborate and network with other educators, and learn more about a career in education.
Renaissance has consolidated their legacy customer support systems for all products into a new, comprehensive system. As of Jan. 1, all support requests are currently handled via the new system to provide a more seamless experience for all cases for a customer’s account.
8: Science collaboration for new science teachers, virtual, 4-5 p.m. Register here. Contact Stephanie Alderman-Oler,, with questions.
8: KESA 2.0 action plan virtual office hours, 3-4 p.m. Questions can be submitted within 24 hours of the virtual meeting by completing this survey. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Hayley Steinlage,, with questions.
8: HirePaths informational webinar, “What’s New with HirePaths?”, 12-1 p.m. Click here for the Zoom link. Contact Kristin Brighton,, or 785-587-8185, with questions.
In this edition | Feature Story | Assessments and Accountability | Reporting and Operations Standards and Instruction | Student Health and Nutrition | Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition
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The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. (more information...)
To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at or by 785-296-3201.