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Eudora High School students take home top prizes in art contest

Eudora High School students take home top prizes in art contest

Lilee Bartelson's artwork featured in Great Ideas in Education Conference materials

Art contest winners of the Great Ideas in Education Conference: The Art of Teaching were announced this week during the Wichita conference. 

Lilee Bartelson, 17, a senior at Eudora High School, won first place. Georgia Martin, 16, a junior at Eudora High, received second, and Sarah Watts, 17, a senior at Eudora High, won third place. 

Pictured are, from left to right, Bartelson, Pat Bone, senior administrative specialist for the Division of Learning Services at KSDE, and Watts. 

The third-place winner received $75. The second-place winner received $100, and Bartelson received $150 and had her art featured on conference materials. 

Posted: Oct 20, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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