KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Grant opportunity available for Annual CTE Conference

A grant opportunity is available so that FCCLA advisers can attend a pre-conference session of the Kansas Annual CTE Conference for free on Monday, Feb. 6, at the Hilton Garden Inn Conference Center in Manhattan. 

The Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Integration grant will reimburse conference costs, hotel costs, mileage, and per diem and provide funding to purchase two national program curriculums. Contact Pam Lamb by email at plamb@ksde.org for an application. Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. Jan. 13, 2023. 

Grant parameters:  

  • Must be an FCCLA adviser.  
  • Must have a paid affiliated FCCLA chapter (not just adviser affiliation) before submitting the grant application. Contact plamb@ksde.org if you would like to affiliate a chapter and need assistance. 
  • In-person only.  
  • Led by FCCLA advisers.  
  • Each applicant will receive two national programs of his or her choice.  

The Feb. 6 pre-conference session is “Take it to the Classroom: Integrating National Programs into FCS.” It will take place from 8 a.m. to noon and is for FCCLA advisers only. 

The session offers professional development to FCCLA advisers on how to integrate the eight FCCLA national programs into the Family and Consumer Science (FCS) curriculum. Participants will explore the resources, including lesson plans and activities, within the national programs. The session will be presented by FCCLA advisers and teacher trainers. 

College credit is available. 

The link to the conference website is https://www.kaesa.org/cte-conference. Registration is required for pre-conference sessions (LINK). Registration for full conference isn’t required but is suggested.  

  • Jan. 13: Early bird registration deadline. 
  • Jan. 14: Cutoff date for hotel registration. 
  • Jan. 30: Registration closes. 
Posted: Jan 5, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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