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New State Board Recommendations for Bullying Prevention

Anti-Bullying Awareness Week: Choose Peace

By Joint Resolution the Kansas State Board of Education and the Kansas State Senate have designated the first full week in October as Anti-Bullying Awareness Week. KSDE joins all Kansas schools in observing this week as an opportunity to create awareness and address the harm that bullying creates. 

Blue Ribbon Taskforce

Kansas Blue Ribbon Task Force on Bullying Final ReportMore information, including this report, is available on the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Bullying web page.
State Board of Education PresentationPresented by task force co-chairs Rick Ginsberg and James Regier during the December meeting on 12/10/2019.
Blue Ribbon Task Force on BullyingKSDE web page for information on meeting dates, memberships, presentations, and more.

School Counseling
Program Consultant

Kent Reed
(785) 296-8109

Deputy Commissioner:
Division of Learning Services

Dr. Ben Proctor
(785) 296-2303

Career, Standards and Assessment

Beth Fultz
(785) 296-4639

Assistant Director: 
Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Natalie D. Clark
(785) 296-4351

Assistant Director: 
Curricular Standards

Jennifer Hamlet
(785) 296-8447

Assistant Director: 

Julie Ewing
(785) 296-2325

Assistant Director: 
Kansas Volunteer Commission

Dr. Jessica Dorsey
(785) 296-3163

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To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at or by 785-296-3201.