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School Counseling Resources

This page contains a wide variety of resources to support school counselors.  Scroll down to explore the resources, or click on the links below to jump down in this page to a topic of choice:

General Counseling Resources
School Counseling Licensure
Advanced Placement and ACT
Career Resources and Individual Plans of Study
School Violence, Gangs, and Bullying Resources
Mental Health and Behavior Resources

NEW School Counseling Resources Information!

 TitleCreated DateDescription
Kansas Comprehensive School Counseling Program8/19/2021Updated 8/18/2021.
Safe Secure Schools Presentation9/26/2018Here is the ppt. used for the "Do You Know SECD" at the Safe & Supportive Schools Conference in Sept.
Restorative Practices in Schools Resources4/23/2018A comprehensive list of current resources for restorative practices in schools.
SB 367 MOU Template8/31/2017This Memorandum of Understanding is a requirement for Senate Bill 367, signed copies should be returned electronically to Kent Reed (
Kansas Counseling Association4/18/2017External link
2016 Fall Counselor Conference11/7/2016This is the PowerPoint that Kent Reed, School Counseling Consultant, used during his presentation at the Annual Fall Counselor Conference.
Jason Flatt Youth Suicide Awareness Act Senate Bill 3237/18/2016The legislature has passed and the Governor has signed SB 323, which is known as the Jason Flatt Youth Suicide Awareness Act.
Suicidal Ideation Resources7/18/2016Listing of online resources. July 2006.
Youth Suicide Warning Signs7/18/2016Source:
Suicide Postvention: Suggested Procedures During the Aftermath of a Student Suicide7/18/2016Ellie Martinez, M.A, Western Placer Unified, Lincoln, CA; and Stephen E. Brock, Ph.D, NCSP, California State University, Sacramento
School Counselor's Role in Preventing Suicide7/18/2016ISCA and ISCAS Conference. Jeremy Brigham, Research Associate, Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence and Coordinator, Suicide Prevention Strategy Steering Committee. Oct. 20, 2003.
Kansas Suicide Prevention Plan7/18/2016Revised 2014. Kansas Dept. for Aging and Disability Services
Suicide Prevention Manual - Blue Valley USD7/18/2016Revised 03/12/15. Suicide Prevention Task Force. K-12. August 2011
Coping with the Sudden Death of a Student7/18/2016Phil Piechowski, M.S.W., Coordinator of Special Services and Supervisor of School Social Work Services
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools7/18/2016This document was created by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention/Suicide Prevention Resource Center Workgroup. 2011.

School Counseling and the New Vision for Kansas Education

 TitleCreated DateDescription
Kansans Can Talking Points12/29/2015This document is a snapshot of the highlights of the New Vision.
School Counseling and the "New Vision"12/29/2015A narrative of how school counseling and the New Vision align.
5 R's and the Comprehensive School Counseling Program12/29/2015A crosswalk of the Accreditation Model 5 R's and the Kansas Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Redesign Committee Presentation12/29/2015PowerPoint presentation about school counseling and the New Vision presented to the Redesign Committee.
Social-Emotional Character Development Presentation12/29/2015PowerPoint presentation about SECD and the New Vision.
2015 KS Whole Child Snapshot (ASCD)12/29/2015A snap shot of relevant "whole child" data collected by ASCD.

School Counseling Licensure

Mental Health and Behavior Resources and Links

Commercially Available Behavior ScreeningPDF 
Grief Information for CounselorsPDF 
Psychological First Aid for First RespondersPDF 
School Counseling and Mental HealthPDFThis graphic displays how school counseling and a mental health continuum model would look like in a tiered approach.
School Counseling and Safe SchoolsPDFThis graphic displays how school counseling and the safe schools model would look in a tiered approach.
School Counseling Pyramids of InterventionsPDF 
Screening Instruments at a Glance MOPBISPDF 
Students with Mental DisordersPDF 

School Counseling
Program Consultant

Kent Reed
(785) 296-8109

Deputy Commissioner:
Division of Learning Services

Dr. Ben Proctor
(785) 296-2303

Career, Standards and Assessment

Beth Fultz
(785) 296-4639

Assistant Director: 
Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Natalie D. Clark
(785) 296-4351

Assistant Director: 
Curricular Standards

Jennifer Hamlet
(785) 296-8447

Assistant Director: 

Julie Ewing
(785) 296-2325

Assistant Director: 
Kansas Volunteer Commission

Dr. Jessica Dorsey
(785) 296-3163

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The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. (more information...)

To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at or by 785-296-3201.