KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Reminder: Career and technical education (CTE) technical assistance sessions available in September and October

The KSDE Career and Technical Education (CTE) program is offering technical assistance in September and October. Click on the education service center links below to register. Registration is $35 and includes lunch. 

Topics include the following: 

  • CTE timeline. 
  • CTE Cluster and Pathway updates. 
  • Career Cluster and Pathway Program of Study Applications (CPPSAs). 
  • KSDE information and resources. 
  • Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL) information and resources. 
  • Industry recognized credentials. 
  • Work-based learning. 
  • Students’ Right to Know Act information and resources. 


KSDE also will provide an electronic and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) training systems demonstration. This could be utilized to implement hands-on electronic and PLC programs and courses that include transferable skills in multiple CTE Pathways.  

Additionally, there will be a discussion of courses in Kansas career clusters and pathways that have transferable skills or competencies that connect to emerging high skill, high wage and in-demand occupations in the following clusters: agriculture, architecture and construction, engineering, information technology, and manufacturing. 

Contact Natalie Clark, ndclark@ksde.org or (785) 296-4351 with questions about these sessions. 

Posted: Sep 5, 2024,
Comments: 0,
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