KSDE Weekly

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Update on work that can be accepted by Professional Development Councils

Professional Development Councils (PDCs) can now accept work from Idaho State University’s Albion Center if the activity meets the definition of “in-service education,” the Kansas State Department of Education’s Teacher Licensure team has announced. 

KAR 91-1-215 (d) defines in-service education as professional development and staff development and shall include any planned learning opportunities provided to licensed personnel employed by a school district or other authorized educational agency for purposes of improving the performance of these personnel in already held or assigned positions. 

Based on the work KSDE’s Teacher Licensure team has done with the ISU registrar’s office in settling the issue of how Albion Center credits relate to semester hours, the registrar’s office has provided documentation that allows KSDE to accept one-half of a semester hour of college credit for every one hour of graduate, nondegree, professional development issued through the Albion Center. 

As always, PDCs may approve these for college credit at the rate described previously or for professional development points at a rate of 20 PD points for each college semester hour. 

For more information, contact the KSDE Teacher Licensure team by phone at 785-296-2288 or by email at TLAlicense@ksde.org

Posted: Jun 15, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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