KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Save the date: Quarterly science professional development scheduled for each region

Quarterly science professional development will take place in six different regions of the state.

During these sessions participants will engage in direct professional development and then have time to workshop on what the topic looks like in their specific context. Please save the date for these offerings and share with your staff.

Additional details and registration links will be included in next week's issue.

Target audience: Teachers who focus on science instruction, curriculum leaders

Quarter 1
 Science Regional PLCs - First Quarter, Anchoring Science with Student Driven Discussions
Description: During this regional PLC, a KSDE Teacher Leader will offer a deep dive into our science standards by providing strategies to help anchor lessons in phenomena and student questions. The morning will provide a scaffold, and the afternoon will provide support for implementation in specific classrooms with collaboration from those in attendance.

Quarter 2
 Science Regional PLCs - Second Quarter, Navigating Science Shifts and Supporting Students 
Description: During this regional PLC, a KSDE Teacher Leader will offer a look into how to navigate and change lessons with the "navigation routine" from our standards. This will help participants to see how the Science and Engineering Practices can be used to assess student understandings and build future curiosity. The morning will provide a scaffold for this approach, and the afternoon will provide support for implementation in specific classrooms with collaboration from those in attendance.

Quarter 3
 Science Regional PLCs - Third Quarter, Investigating Routines and Rigor for Science
Description: During this regional PLC, a KSDE Teacher Leader will introduce participants to the investigation routine from our standards framework and walk through how it can help to determine appropriate rigor for our students. The morning will provide a scaffold for this approach, and the afternoon will provide support for implementation in specific classrooms with collaboration from those in attendance.

Region 1 - K-State, Olathe  (Click for Location)
Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Quarter 1 - Sept. 21, Register here: (TBA)
Quarter 2 - Nov. 16, Register here: (TBA)
Quarter 3 - Feb. 20 Register here: (TBA)

Region 2 - TBA
Quarter 1 - September 23rd, Register Here: TBA
Quarter 2 - TBA
Quarter 3 - February 20th, Register Here: TBA

Region 3 - Fort Scott Community College (Click for Location)
Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Quarter 1 - Sept. 19, Register here: LINK
Quarter 2 - Nov. 14, Register here: LINK
Quarter 3 - Feb. 20, Register here: LINK

Region 4 - ESSDACK Regional Service Center (Click for Location)
Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Quarter 1 - Sept. 21, Register here: LINK
Quarter 2 - Nov. 16, Register here: LINK
Quarter 3 - Feb. 20, Register here: LINK

Region 5 - Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center (NKESC)  (Click for Location)
Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Quarter 1 - Sept. 20, Register here: (TBA)
Quarter 2 - Nov. 15, Register here: (TBA)
Quarter 3 - Feb. 20, Register here: (TBA)

Region 6 - Southwest Plains Regional Service Center  (Click for Location)
Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Quarter 1 - Sept. 19, Register here: LINK 
Quarter 2 - Nov. 13, Register here: LINK 
Quarter 3 - Feb. 20, Register here: (TBA)

Posted: Aug 4, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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