KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

KDEC accepting applications for mini-grant proposals

The Kansas Division for Early Childhood (KDEC) is now accepting applications for mini-grant proposals. 

Proposals should address services/learning of young children with disabilities and their families, the generation of new practices or staff training.  

Up to three mini grants will be awarded for amounts up to $1,000 each. A project can be associated with an academic learning experience (e.g., degree capstone project, dissertation research), program-based research, a creative activity for supporting learning by children or families being served or a focused staff training activity. 

Projects may come from an agency serving young children with disabilities or a college/university student in collaboration with a faculty advisor. Examples of agencies include local education agencies (preschool programs; Part B, 619 services), infant/toddlers services (Part C), Head Start programs, community preschool and/or childcare centers serving children with disabilities. 

Awardees will be recognized at the 41st Annual KDEC Conference, which will take place Feb. 22-24, 2023. 

Applications can be submitted through https://forms.gle/D4enyDPzWaxA7qRw5

For additional information, contact KDEC at deckansas@gmail.com

Posted: Dec 8, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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