KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

ICYMI: Educators receive training to become LETRS® structured literacy trainers

The newest cohort of Kansas Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling® (LETRS®) facilitators recently completed training after four full days of in-person professional learning under the guidance of a national LETRS® trainer.  

The educators, representing 15 school districts and two service centers, now can provide Volume 1 LETRS® training to the teachers in their districts/service centers. This cohort of trainers will receive Volume 2 training soon.   

During the training at the Orion Education and Training Center in Clearwater, Janell Neer, coordinator with the Kansas Technical Assistance System Network (TASN), was available to assist, facilitate and provide support during the training. Dr. Laurie Curtis, early literacy/dyslexia program manager with the Kansas State Department of Education, expressed appreciation to the participants for their dedication to the structured literacy professional learning and the commitment of their district leadership to support this important work. 

LETRS® training includes three components: 1) online modules accompanied with comprehensive manuals; 2) facilitated training (four days per volume); and 3) “Bridge to Practice,” which requires teachers to apply what they have learned directly with students.  

KSDE will provide a virtual networking opportunity for all trained LETRS® facilitators in Kansas, starting in January. Any current LETRS® facilitators will be invited to be a part of this KSDE literacy leadership cadre. 

Contact Laurie Curtis, lcurtis@ksde.org, with questions. 

Posted: Dec 19, 2024,
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