Building and district leaders are encouraged to attend one of the 30-minute IXL webinars scheduled for next week.
Attendees will receive an overview of the IXL Math platform and learn how to request IXL Math licenses for their district.
Multiple times are available for Tuesday, March 28, and Wednesday, March 29. Register now.
IXL Math is a free supplemental instructional program that can help Kansas students improve their math skills.
A bill passed by the Kansas Legislature in 2022 appropriated $4 million for a virtual math program. The state put out a request for proposal (RFP), and IXL Learning was awarded the two-year contract.
IXL’s math curriculum, along with professional development for educators, will be available at no charge to all Kansas accredited public and private schools, K-12, through June 30, 2024.
IXL Math is aligned to Kansas standards and is evidence-based. It offers personalized learning with a comprehensive K-12 curriculum, individualized guidance and real-time analytics. IXL’s curriculum is built on more than 9,000 skills that are scaffolded to help each student target their specific areas of need. Since IXL Math is custom-built for Kansas standards, teachers will be able to know exactly what students should work on in order to meet key benchmarks.
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