Funding from the Promoting Advancement in Computing Knowledge (PACK) Act has allowed the Kansas State Department of Education to partner with The College Board to provide training opportunities, many at no cost, to Kansas educators and administrators this summer.
AP Summer Institutes for AP CSP and AP CSA
Teachers can register for a free AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) or AP Computer Science A (CSA) AP Summer Institute. During the workshop, teachers will engage with the course and exam description (CED), develop a year-long instructional plan that incorporates all components as referenced in the CED, and explore AP Classroom. Additionally, teachers will practice interpreting data from AP reports and tools and will identify instructional strategies and tools that can be incorporated into lesson plans. This session is open to current AP teachers and teachers who are interested in teaching AP CSP or AP CSA.
Online AP Summer Institutes for AP CSP and AP CSA
In addition to the in-person offerings, an additional online AP CSP and AP CSA AP Summer Institute has been added.
Achieving Equity in AP Workshops
Teachers and administration teams can register for an Achieving Equity in AP workshop. Participants will explore how to create an AP program devoted to improving access to and equity in advanced academics for students from all populations. This workshop is open to teachers and administrators to attend as teams.
Fall Semester AP Mentoring: AP CSP and AP CSA
Teachers who participate in AP Mentoring will receive ongoing support in a small group setting throughout the school year. During the program, teachers attend four online group meetings with an experienced AP CSP or CSA teacher to discuss strategies and access instructional materials to support student success through the AP Mentoring platform. Each meeting is an hour long and takes place from 3 to 9 p.m. Monday–Friday. Teachers who attend all four meetings will receive a certificate of completion with 0.4 CEUs. Learn more.
Teachers in Kansas who plan to teach AP Computer Science A or AP Computer Science Principles during the 2023-2024 school year and are interested in participating in the AP Mentoring program, can fill out an interest form here.
Additional information about AP Mentoring can be found here.
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