KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

K-ACTE recognized for meeting 2024 Quality Association Standards

The Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education (K-ACTE) was recognized earlier this month for meeting 2024 Quality Association Standards. 

According to the national ACTE, “the purpose of the Quality Association Standards (QAS) is to provide benchmarks for state associations to determine levels of performance and satisfactory service to their members and prospective members” and “to prompt states to challenge themselves to improve and maintain the very best possible organization and leadership for their members within the association’s means.” 

The award was presented to the Kansas representatives during the ACTE CareerTech Vision annual conference in San Antonio, Texas. The conference offers comprehensive programming covering high-quality career and technical education (CTE) in secondary and postsecondary environments and emerging trends in the field to help CTE educators thrive in their careers.  

Contact Natalie Clark, ndclark@ksde.org, with questions. 

Posted: Dec 12, 2024,
Comments: 0,
Tags: CTE
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