KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Public comment open for CTE Cluster Review Committee Recommendations

Recommendations for Kansas Career and Technical Education (CTE) Cluster Review Committees are open for public review and comment.

The National Career Clusters® Framework serves as an organizing tool for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, curriculum design and instruction. The National Career Clusters® Framework, Advance CTE, is currently undergoing modernization. Due to the current work being done nationally through Advance CTE to modernize the National Career Clusters® Framework, some items are susceptible to change as the National Career Clusters® Framework is released and work is done to compare the Kansas Career Cluster Framework to the National Career Clusters® Framework.

Each Career Cluster Review Committee includes representatives from business and industry, postsecondary institutions and secondary school districts.

The Kansas Advisory Committee for Career and Technical Education will receive the Cluster Review recommendations during their April 2024 meeting. They will vote on the recommendations at their June 2024 meeting. The approved Cluster Review changes will go into effect for the 2025-2026 school year.

To see which clusters are open for comments, click here.

If you have any questions, contact Natalie Clark, assistant director of Career, Standards and Assessment Services at (785) 296-4351 or at ndclark@ksde.org.

Posted: Mar 14, 2024,
Comments: 0,
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