KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

February is Career and Technical Education Month

February is Career and Technical Education Month

February is Career and Technical and Education (CTE) Month.

Kansas CTE prepares students for a wide range of work, training and educational opportunities including:

  • Developing real-world employability skills.
  • Connecting students to workforce applications.
  • Promoting postsecondary degrees and certifications.
  • Introducing students to industry partners.

Kansas has 16 Career Clusters for students to choose from and 36 Career Cluster Pathways.

A Career Cluster is a group of occupations similar in skill set and training. Career Cluster Pathways are focused and specific areas of study leading to a particular industry or business area. These occupations fall within seven career fields in Kansas — agriculture; business; family and consumer sciences; public services; media and technology; health; and design, production and repair.

For more information about CTE in Kansas, visit https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Career-Standards-and-Assessment-Services/CSAS-Home/Career-Technical-Education-CTE.

Posted: Feb 1, 2024,
Comments: 0,
Tags: CTE
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