KSDE Weekly

Feature Story

KSDE sponsoring virtual literacy professional learning opportunity on Feb. 13

The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is sponsoring a six-hour virtual professional development opportunity focused on the science of reading on Feb. 13. 

The “90-Minute Literacy Block Alignment to Structure Literacy” will include the tools and process for curriculum review based on Scarborough’s Rope; vetted resources that can supplement a literacy block to meet the needs of all students; and work time for participants with the opportunity for consultation by the KSDE Early Literacy/Dyslexia team.  

The six-hour session will be led by Hailey Hawkinson, a KSDE teacher leader consultant. 

There is no charge for this professional development. For those participating in the full day, a certificate of completion will be provided by KSDE. 

A Zoom link will be sent to participants beforehand. 

Register at 90 Minute Block Party Virtual PD

For more information, contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, early literacy/dyslexia program manager, at lcurtis@ksde.org

Posted: Feb 9, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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