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Kansas MTSS 2022-2023 preschool webinar series kicks off Sept. 30

Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports and Alignment (MTSS) is offering a four-part preschool webinar series this school year with Barbara Kaiser. 

Kaiser is the coauthor of “Challenging Behavior in Young Children” and “Challenging Behavior in Elementary and Middle School.” Each webinar is on a Friday from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Participants will register at www.ksdetasn.org.  

  • Register here for “I Didn’t Mean to Ruin Your Day!” on Friday, Sept. 30. When you understand yourself, know which behaviors push your buttons and recognize that a child’s challenging behavior is rooted in biological and environmental factors and not a desire to ruin your day, you are in a much better position to respond effectively. By bridging the gap between research and practice and bringing together information drawn from neuroscience, psychology and special education, this session will help you understand why a child behaves in a particular way and make it much easier to meet those needs and effectively. 
  • Register here for "Addressing Challenging Behavior in Young Children: The Leadership Role" on Friday, Oct. 30. As the head of a team, leaders play a crucial role in making it possible for children with challenging behavior to remain in childcare/school, develop positive relationships with their peers and adults, learn appropriate ways to express their needs, and be ready to learn. However, these goals can only be met when leaders believe in them and have the skills to develop and lead a team that supports them. Possessing good leadership skills is just the beginning. Acting as an advocate for children, staff members and families pulls you in all directions at once and requires you to understand and respect everyone’s needs and challenges. 

Save the date for webinars on Friday, Nov. 18, and Friday, Feb. 10. Contact Lea Harding (lea@kansasmtss.org) with questions. 

Posted: Sep 22, 2022,
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