KSDE Weekly

Feature Story

Practical tips for engaging families through Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot

Building relationships with families lays the foundation for a strong start to the kindergarten year and for later student success. The Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot gives schools another opportunity to partner with families and better understand each kindergarten student’s development. 

KSDE’s Early Childhood team hopes the following resources will help you consider how you can use this process to strengthen relationships and support kindergarten readiness for families, schools and students: 


A parent or caregiver may decide not to participate or decide not to have ASQ data shared with the state. If parents opt out, schools should still create profiles for the child and the parent in ASQ Online. Teachers should document the parent’s decision to opt out by selecting “Parent/Caregiver opted out of participating” under “Reason for not participating” on a child’s profile page in ASQ Online. 

Remember that all accredited schools are required to administer both ASQ-3 and the ASQ:SE-2 to kindergarten students by Sept. 20, 2022. All data (including pending Family Access screenings) must be submitted in ASQ Online by Oct. 10, 2022.  
Feel welcome to reach out to request support: 

  • Visit agesandstages.com/ks for Frequently Asked Questions, online training modules, guides, and “how-to” videos on implementing ASQ 
  • Brookes Publishing Tech Support for ASQ Online by phone: 1-866-404-9853 and email: asqonline.com/support includes assistance in looking up usernames and requesting forgotten passwords. 
  • Pre-K-12 school staff members with questions for KSDE can email Amy Rzadczynski (arzadczynski@ksde.org) and Amanda Petersen (apetersen@ksde.org). 


Posted: Aug 18, 2022,
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