KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Updated Preschool Revenue Calendar and Budget Template tool now available

The Kansas Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template can help districts estimate preschool revenue and budget across multiple funding sources. An updated version of this tool for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years is now available.

Visit the KSDE Early Childhood webpage to download the Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template, available under “Early Childhood Funding.”

Any Kansas Preschool Pilot grantees should note that the amount of grant funding requested remains much larger than the amount of grant funding available.

In 2023-2024, Kansas Preschool Pilot grant applicants were required to forecast the amount of revenue that they would receive from other sources of funding and demonstrate that they were reinvesting those other funding sources into their preschool programs before requesting Kansas Preschool Pilot grant funding to supplement gaps.

KSDE anticipates continuing this approach using the Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template tool in 2024-2025. As districts finalize their 2023-2024 budgets, they can begin filling in expenditures information for the current school year.

Please contact KSDE Director of Early Childhood Amanda Petersen (apetersen@ksde.org) to ask questions about this tool, or to report any features that appear not to be working.

Posted: Jul 27, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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