KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Special message to districts’ educator licensure contacts regarding professional development transcripts

Attention educator licensure contacts (ELCs): Licenses renewed based on professional development (PD) points require an official, itemized PD transcript to be uploaded by the school district to complete the application. 

Any college hours an applicant wants to use toward PD points must be approved by the individual’s Professional Development Council (PDC) based on goals developed as part of that individual’s professional development plan. 

One semester hour of credit awarded by a regionally accredited university is converted to 20 PD points and is listed on the PD transcript. Please don’t attach the college transcript to the PD transcript once your PDC has approved the hours and they have been converted to PD points. 

For any additional questions, please contact the Kansas State Department of Education’s Teacher Licensure team at TLALicense@ksde.org or (785) 296–2288.  

Posted: Mar 23, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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