KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Changes made to previously issued education endorsements

The Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) Teacher Licensure team, in coordination with its Special Education team, has updated the language of its special education endorsements.  

The updated endorsements are: 

  1. Intellectual disability - Adaptive. The endorsement allows an educator to provide support services to students who require “High Incidence” support services.    
  2. Intellectual disability - Functional. The endorsement allows an educator to provide support services to a student who requires “Low Incidence” support services. 
  3. Intellectual disability. The endorsement allows an educator to provide support services to students who require “High Incidence” and/or “Low Incidence” support services.                                 
  4. Supv intellectual disability. The endorsement allows one to serve in a building level supervisor/coordinator position for special education. 

Licenses have been updated to reflect this new language for all educators who hold active licenses (not expired) that contained the previous endorsement language.  

Posted: Mar 23, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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