KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

KSDE offers information on emergency substitute license temporary modification

The Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) Teacher Licensure team has released additional information about the emergency substitute license temporary modification, which the Kansas State Board of Education voted to extend for two years.

The State Board approved the extension on May 10 during its regular monthly meeting in Topeka.

The temporary expanded qualification expires June 30 of the expiration year and won’t be eligible for renewal after June 30, 2025.

License limitations include:

  • The license is nontransferable and limited to the local school district listed on the license.
    1. An educator can apply for multiple districts if each district submits an expanded emergency substitute qualification form.
    2. Only one $60 application fee is required if an educator applies to multiple districts.
  • An individual may serve no more than 25 consecutive days in the same assignment.
  • An individual may substitute up to 75 school days each semester in one school district.

Application process

An individual may temporarily qualify for an emergency substitute license with the following:

  1. High school diploma; and
  2. Completion of Greenbush’s Emergency Substitute Training Modules (training may be completed now); and
  3. Verification of hire from a local school district.
  4. Application and $60 processing fee.
  5. Fingerprint background check and $50 fee.
  6. Click here to register and complete the Greenbush Emergency Substitute Training Modules.

Expanded emergency substitute application instructions:

To apply for the emergency substitute license based on completion of the Greenbush Training Modules, complete the following:

  1. Complete the Greenbush Emergency Substitute Training Modules.
    1. The Greenbush training modules include a step-by-step video that details how to submit the application. HERE is a link to the video.
  2. Submit the Form 8 application via the Kansas Licensure Application System. Here is a link to the application system User Login for KSDE Web Applications.
  3. Within the “Education Information” Section of Form 8, select the following:
    1. State: “KS”
    2. Name of College/University: “Greenbush – Modified Emergency Substitute”
    3. Degree Earned: “No”
    4. Transcript Delivery Method: “Upload Transcript”
  4. Upload the Greenbush Certificate of Completion to the application.
  5. Submit payment.
  6. Contact the hiring district to complete the Expanded Emergency Substitute Qualification Form.

Expanded Emergency Substitute application for local school districts instructions:

  1. Complete the Expanded Emergency Substitute Qualification Form for hired applicants.
  2. Submit the completed form to experienceform@ksde.org.
Posted: May 18, 2023,
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