KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Information released on how to add driver’s education endorsement to teaching license

At the Feb. 14th, 2023, Kansas State Board of Education meeting, State Board members approved regulatory changes that allow for a driver’s education endorsement to be added to a license if the required driver’s education coursework is completed. 

If drivers’ education coursework is completed prior to May 2023, and an educator receives a letter from the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) authorizing the individual to teach drivers education, the educator may apply to add the endorsement by completing the following steps: 

  1. Complete the “Kansas Adding Drivers Education” Application and mail the application to the Teacher Licensure Office. The address is on the application form. 
  2. Submit a $60 application processing fee with the application. The application fee is required. A drivers education endorsement will not be added without the application and the application processing fee. 
  3. Only those with a valid Accomplished, Professional, or Initial teaching license are eligible to apply for this endorsement.  A driver’s education endorsement cannot be added to a substitute license. 
  4. If you are currently enrolled in driver’s education coursework through Fort Hays State University, DO NOT submit the Adding Drivers Education Application. You will receive instructions from your program point of contact at Fort Hays State University to apply to add the endorsement to a license. 

Please email TLALicense@ksde.org for a copy of the application.

Posted: Mar 23, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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