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Helpful tips, resources for the 2023 Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot

This week, Kansas Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) Online users receive the first installment of Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot News & Updates, a five-part guide to a successful start to the kindergarten year. 

Each edition provides proven resources to guide Kansas educators through each step of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®) screening process. If you are not a Kansas ASQ Online user, you can visit agesandstages.com/ks to sign up for these emails and to view past newsletters.  

  • Remember: To advance kindergarten readiness, all Kansas elementary schools are required to partner with families to better understand incoming kindergarten students’ development. The 2023 SASQ window closes Sept. 20, 2023. Schools should administer both the ASQ-3 and the ASQ:SE-2 to all incoming kindergarten students by Sept. 20. All data (including pending Family Access screenings and finalized manual screenings) must be entered in ASQ Online by Oct. 10, 2023. 
  • The Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot Fact Sheet includes important reminders of actions to take before this year’s Snapshot, general tips for discussing ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 with families, links to resources to help promote skill development, and more. 
  • Accepting questionnaire results and following up with families in a timely way is a good strategy to build strong relationships with families and demonstrate that you value the time they took to complete the questionnaires. Be sure to set up Family Access Alerts in ASQ Online to ensure you are managing screenings efficiently. You can receive texts or emails on a daily or weekly basis to alert you when screenings completed by families are available for review. Manage alerts in ASQ Online by selecting “My Profile” from the top blue bar and then “My Alerts” from the left-hand side. 

We are wishing you well as you get ready for kindergarten this year! Building strong relationships with families and understanding each child’s unique strengths and needs are key pieces of our Kansas approach to strengthening kindergarten readiness.  

The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) and Brookes Publishing teams are ready to support you as you complete this requirement. Click here for a complete list of upcoming trainings and resources available to support the 2023 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (ASQ). This includes a live virtual Introduction to the ASQ training on Thursday, Aug. 10.  

Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions: 

  • Email kansasicc@ksde.org to connect with KSDE Early Childhood team members Stacy Clarke and Amanda Petersen. 
  • For simple questions related to the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (for example, resetting a password to ASQ Online), contact Brookes Publishing Technical Support or call 1-866-404-9853.   
  • For more specific questions (for example, setting up ASQ Online Family Access links), contact the Brookes Implementation Team at implementation@brookespublishing.com. 
Posted: Aug 3, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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