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Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot window closes Sept. 20

Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot window closes Sept. 20

Next Friday, Sept. 20, is the deadline for all elementary schools to partner with families to complete the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ).  

To advance kindergarten readiness, all Kansas elementary schools are required to partner with families to better understand incoming kindergarten students’ development. The 2024 Snapshot window closes Sept. 20. Schools should administer both the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires to all incoming kindergarten students by Sept. 20.  

All data (including pending Family Access screenings and finalized manual screenings) must be entered in ASQ Online by Sept. 27. 

Take the following steps to ensure your data is finalized for the year: 

  • Accept all pending Family Access screenings. You can run a “Family Access Screening” report to confirm there are no outstanding screenings to review.  
  • As of 11 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 12, the following systems had pending screenings submitted between March 1 and Aug. 31, 2024: USD 102 Cimarron-Ensign, USD 200 Greeley County, USD 203 Piper, USD 204 Bonner Springs, USD 214 Ulysses, USD 215 Lakin, USD 229 Blue Valley, USD 230 Spring Hill, USD 231 Gardner Edgerton, USD 235 Uniontown, USD 241 Wallace County, USD 243 Lebo-Waverly, USD 251 North Lyon County, USD 252 Southern Lyon County, USD 257 Iola, USD 261 Haysville, USD 266 Maize, USD 287 West Franklin, USD 290 Ottawa, USD 303 Ness City, USD 308 Hutchinson, USD 313 Buhler, USD 320 Wamego, USD 331 Kingman - Norwich, USD 338 Valley Falls, USD 345 Seaman, USD 352 Goodland, USD 361 Chaparral, USD 373 Newton, USD 379 Clay Center, USD 381 Spearville, USD 387 Altoona-Midway, USD 388 Ellis, USD 409 Atchison, USD 413 Chanute, USD 416 Louisburg, USD 418 McPherson, USD 423 Moundridge, USD 436 Caney Valley, USD 437 Auburn Washburn, USD 444 Little River, USD 447 Cherryvale, USD 448 Inman, USD 450 Shawnee Heights, USD 465 Winfield, USD 467 Leoti, USD 469 Lansing, USD 470 Arkansas City, USD 475 Geary County, USD 487 Herington, USD 500 Kansas City, USD 503 Parsons, USD 506 Labette County, USD 509 South Haven, USD 512 Shawnee Mission, Z0028 Dodge City Catholic Diocese, Z0029 Kansas City Catholic Diocese, Z0031 Wichita Catholic Diocese 
  • Finalize all paper questionnaire screenings. You can run a “Screening Status Summary” report filtered by “Screening Status/In Progress” to confirm all data is finalized. Please note: If your school is screening using paper, ensure you are using the 72-month ASQ-3 questionnaire for any children who are 66 months – 77 months, 30 days old.  
  • For any students who did not participate because they were older than the age cutoff or because the teacher and family determined screening was inappropriate, create a Child Profile in ASQ Online and select the appropriate “Reason for not participating” from the dropdown menu.  


Each year, KSDE pulls data from the ASQ Online system following the submission deadline. This data is then matched to ENRL (Sept. 20) records submitted by schools. Schools can take the following steps to improve the accuracy of their data:  

  • Include the State Student Identifier (SSID/KIDS ID) in the ASQ Online “Alt. ID” field of a child profile. The “Import” feature’s “Child and Caregiver Profile Data Template” can be used to quickly update existing ASQ Online Child Profiles to add Alternate IDs.  
  • Ensure ASQ Online child profile data matches data reported in the ENRL/KIDS Data Collection System.  
  • Prevent duplicate child profiles in the ASQ Online (Review the ASQ Online Quick Tips: How to Prevent Duplicate Child Profiles fact sheet). 


Once data is finalized in the ASQ Online system, it is submitted for the year — schools do not have an additional data upload. Participation rate data will be available in the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot authenticated application later this year. 

Visit agesandstages.com/ks for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), guides and “how-to” videos on how to implement ASQ.   

Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions:   

Posted: Sep 12, 2024,
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