KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Reminder: Help KSDE honor the Class of 2023 with Kansans Can, and I Am campaign

Reminder: Help KSDE honor the Class of 2023 with Kansans Can, and I Am campaign

It’s hard to believe the school year is winding down. With May approaching, it’s time to celebrate Kansas’ senior students – the Class of 2023. 

The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) kicked off the “Kansans Can, and I Am” campaign in 2017 to promote the great students we have in our state. The campaign has been a success, and we would like your help again this year in celebrating graduating seniors. 

KSDE will highlight your 2023 seniors on social media. Please recruit your senior students to share on video their plans for life after high school. We want to represent all seniors, whether they are going straight into the workforce, joining the military, graduating with a certificate or attending a two-year or four-year college. 

Please encourage the members of your school’s Class of 2023 to record a short video of themselves to share on your social media sites. KSDE will then share those posts on our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Please follow these guidelines: 

  • No more than 15-20 seconds in length. 
  • Include the student’s name, high school and plan for after graduation (two-year or four-year college; trade school; military; workforce; or certification). 
  • Have your students say this at the end of the video: “Kansans Can, and I Am.” 
  • Have students submit their videos to you so you can review them and post them on your school’s social media sites. 
  • Include the #KansansCanandIAm hashtag with each post. Please tag @ksdehq so we can share your tweets and Facebook posts throughout May. 
  • Please make sure students and their parents are OK with the video being displayed publicly through social media sites. 

We are excited about this campaign, and we want to make sure we include students from across Kansas. Thank you for spreading the word to the Class of 2023. We look forward to celebrating these amazing seniors with you. 

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Tiffany Littler, communications specialist with KSDE’s Communication and Recognition Programs team, via email at tlittler@ksde.org

Posted: May 4, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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