KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Employees in Johnson County have opportunity to pursue certificate programs tuition free

People who work for schools in Johnson County or for agencies that serve the public in Johnson County can pursue one of two certificate programs tuition-free through Emporia State University. 

These opportunities are being offered thanks to funding from Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). 

The two certificate programs are: 

  • Autism Certificate (12 credit hours): This interdisciplinary program helps professionals who work with persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their family members to develop the knowledge and skills needed to do so effectively. The ASD graduate certificate is 12 graduate credit hours (four courses). It can be completed either independently or as a part of a master’s degree. Family members of people with ASD who meet the program admission requirements and individuals who work with the public in Johnson County are encouraged to apply. Learn more at: 12-Credit Hour Autism Certificate
  • Social-Emotional Learning and Psychological Well-Being Certificate (18 credit hours): The 18-credit hour certificate in Social-Emotional Learning and Psychological Well-Being is designed to help educators, mental health professionals and others advance in the science of social-emotional learning, development, and interventions, and subjects related to diversity and systems change. This program was developed though collaborative efforts by ESU’s counselor education department, elementary education/early childhood and psychology department. Learn more at: 18-Credit Hour Psychological Wellbeing Certificate

Each certificate program will provide training for qualified individuals to respond to the mental health and wellness needs of the Johnson County community. Johnson County educators, administrators, paraprofessionals, art center staff and artists who interface with the public are encouraged to apply. 

Approximately 30 people who work in Johnson County can complete the certificates. Tuition for the course in the certificate program will be paid by the grant for applicants who commit to fully completing the certificate. Individuals who complete the certificate also will be eligible for a limited reimbursement funding to help with books and technology. 

Each of the certificate programs is fully online. 

Applicants must have an undergraduate degree with a 3.0 grade point average. 

If you work in schools in Johnson County or for an agency that serves the public, click here to apply.  

For more information, email Gaelynn Wolf Bordonaro at gwolf@emporia

Posted: Apr 20, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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