Each sponsor that operates a National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is asked to complete the Farm to School Census, regardless of participation in Farm to School activities.
Personalized links for the census survey were emailed to all sponsor directors from
If any questions arise, call toll-free at 866-986-2230 or email directly.
The census is a great opportunity to share what your school or district is doing in this space, as well as any challenges or barriers faced.
The Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) Child Nutrition and Wellness team encourages sponsors to connect with food service partners, teachers, administrators and volunteers to provide the most complete picture of local programming.
In this edition | Feature Story | Assessments and Accountability | Reporting and Operations Standards and Instruction | Student Health and Nutrition | Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition
In this edition
The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. (more information...)
To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at or by 785-296-3201.