KSDE Weekly

Feature Story

Introductory training webinar available for perception survey

The Component Baseline Analysis (CBA) is a perception survey that was created by the KSDE Accreditation and Design team in partnership with Kansas MTSS and educational service centers.  

The purpose of the CBA is to identify district and building-level perception data in six key component areas of continuous school improvement. District-level staff members will respond to each item for the district only; whereas building-level staff members will provide their perception for their building and the district for each item. 

All systems should conduct a needs assessment at the start of each improvement cycle, with opportunities for ongoing data collection and analysis built into the cycle. A robust needs assessment means that you are examining both your quantitative and qualitative data, in addition to taking stock of your current work and gathering stakeholder feedback. 

The CBA is one tool that you can use to obtain perception feedback from internal, building and district-level certified staff members. You can preview the survey items here.  

If you are interested in learning more about the survey and how to administer it, come to the AD team’s Administration Overview/Q&A Webinar. Your two options include: 

  • 9-9:30 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 30 (Zoom link; 791056). 

  • 1-1:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1 (Zoom link; 791056). 

Posted: Aug 24, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Tags: KESA, Webinar
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