KSDE Weekly

Feature Story

Keeping Kids Safe introductory webinar scheduled for Sept. 8

Telehealth ROCKS, in partnership with Kansas Suicide Prevention Headquarters, will present an introductory webinar from noon to 1 p.m. Sept. 8 via Zoom.   

Topics include social media, bullying prevention, substance abuse and suicide prevention. This webinar will serve as the introduction to the first ECHO telemonitoring series related to Keeping Kids Safe that will focus on suicide prevention and awareness in youth and adolescents. There is no cost to attend.  

The target audience is professionals who interact with children and youth, including teachers, administrators, community clinicians and child- and youth-serving agencies.  

For more information, email telehealthROCKS@kumc.edu.  

To register, go to https://redcap.kumc.edu/surveys/?s=KHCCWJLHYHN377P7.  


Posted: Aug 24, 2022,
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