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Accreditation and Design team collecting feedback on KESA Check-ins

Accreditation and Design team collecting feedback on KESA Check-ins

The Accreditation and Design (AD) team began meeting individually with systems in mid-January for what is called a “KESA Check-in". This is one of the new supports the team is implementing as part of KESA 2.0, which officially begins in the 2024-2025 school year. 

The purpose of the KESA Check-ins is to discuss the system’s current state of student data, as well as set the table for KESA 2.0 so each system has a clear understanding of what accreditation will be based on, the expectations for each system and the KESA 2.0 Yearly Support model that begins next year.

The team has completed approximately 60 system check-ins over the past three weeks in the West (Amber Miller), Central (Mindy Bruce), and East (Jean Rush) regions, as well as with the Urban, Suburban, and Private School cohorts (Myron Melton and Jay Scott). The team anticipates completing check-ins with all 304 systems within the next four months.

Here are the slides the team is utilizing as a guide to these KESA Check-in conversations. 

The team is collecting feedback from each system right after the Check-in to align and personalize support of each system’s improvement efforts, as well as improve the Check-ins moving forward. The team is tracking the data from systems to all prompts, especially the following:

  1. This meeting was a productive use of our time.
    1. 98% responded with either “agree” or “strongly agree.”
  2. To what extent did the Check-in support your feeling of readiness for KESA 2.0 in 2024-2025?
    1. 95.25% responded with “somewhat” or “to a great extent.

Some of the feedback from systems are shown on a weekly scoreboard displayed in the Landon State Office Building (see photos).

The Accreditation and Design team will walk through the KESA Check-in and the feedback they are receiving during their KESA Monthly Update at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13th.

For any questions, reach out to accreditation@ksde.org.

Posted: Feb 8, 2024,
Comments: 0,
Tags: KESA
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