All personnel employed in a local food service operation that participates in federal Child Nutrition Programs must complete Kansas State Department of Education-approved food safety training.
New school nutrition program directors and authorized representatives must complete eight hours of KSDE-approved food safety training not more than five years prior to or within 30 days of their start date and every five years thereafter.
New school nutrition program employees who aren’t directors or authorized representatives are required to complete three hours of KSDE-approved food safety training within six months of their employment date and every five years thereafter.
For a list of approved trainings, visit, School Nutrition Programs, Food Service Facts, Chapter 23. Once an approved food safety class is completed, the Food Safety Training Log in KN-CLAIM (under the Forms tab) must be updated accordingly.
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The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. (more information...)
To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at or by 785-296-3201.