KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Learn more about CACFP At-Risk After-School Meals during Aug. 3 Zoom

Other CNW news included

As summer break comes to an end and everyone gears up for the beginning of the school year, Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) After-School Meals and Snacks can again be served to children located in low-income areas.

Sponsors and sites interested in being reimbursed for a supper and/or snack served after the school day can learn more about CACFP At-Risk After-School Meals via Zoom from 1 to 2 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 3. The link to join is https://ksde.zoom.us/j/81547793233?pwd=V21jcEZn

Other KSDE CNW information includes:

  • Fifth annual Mountain Plains Crunch Off – October 2023: This year’s registrants can crunch on not only apples but any local crunchable produce. Kansas is participating in the Mountain Plains Crunch Off with seven other regional states. The Kansas goal is 50,000 crunches statewide. The regional goal is 230,000 crunches. Celebrate with local produce any day from Sept. 29-Oct. 31. Watch for the registration link at www.cnw.ksde.org, Farm to School, What’s New in early August.  Make your event plans.  Crunchable local produce can be found in many places – school/child care gardens, farmer’s markets, local distributors or https://shopkansasfarms.com/map/. If you have any questions, please contact Barb Depew, Farm to Plate Project director, at bdepew@ksde.org or Eryn Davis, Farm to Plate Project coordinator, at edavis@ksde.org.
  • The CNW team needs your feedback. Take this short (less than five minutes) survey to help inform the CNW Farm to Plate team of local food purchasing in School Nutrition Programs across the state. This information will be used to develop new resources, trainings and strategies to assist schools in increasing local foods served in program meals. Check the July update from CNW for the link or email khatch@ksde.org.
  • To help brighten up your meal serving area, KSDE has the following items available: Healthy Kansas Plate Posters, Pick 3 clings and Justice for All posters. They are available by contacting khatch@ksde.org.
  • Harvest of the Month is coming this all. This program features Kansas-grown foods with educational materials for both the cafeteria and the classroom. The program is set to begin in October (Farm to School Month) celebrating Kansas-grown apples.
  • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is pleased to share the availability of the Turnip the Beet 2023 Nomination Packet. The Turnip the Beet Award recognizes outstanding summer meal program sponsors across the nation who work hard to offer high-quality meals to children that are appetizing, appealing, and nutritious during the summer months. Consider applying for a Turnip the Beet award. More information can be found on the Turnip the Beet webpage or by contacting KSDE’s Barb Depew at bdepew@ksde.org or Eryn Davis at edavis@ksde.org.
Posted: Jul 20, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: CNW
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