Building and maintaining a positive culture should be every systems’ and schools’ goal. Positive school cultures provide safety, support, encouragement and healthy challenges for students and staff, which in turn fosters students’ academic achievement and growth. Positive school cultures increase satisfaction, morale, and effectiveness for the staff while simultaneously increasing learning, fulfillment, and well-being for the students. School culture is the way things are done in the school - the personality of the school, with underlying norms and values. Culture and climate overlap and influence each other, however, climate can change rapidly (for better or worse), while culture goes deeper and takes longer to turn.
As part of the Kansans Can School Redesign Project, all Redesign Schools were asked to administer a School Culture Survey annually. During the summer of 2020, the KSDE Redesign Team worked with our state comprehensive center artners at McRel to recreate the culture survey based on existing surveys and research regarding schools as learning rganizations. The finished survey measures 5 Constructs of Culture (shown on the right). The culture survey is one tool that you can use to obtain perception feedback from internal, building and district-level certified staff. You can preview the survey items here.
If you are interested in administering the survey in your school or district, start by reviewing the following resources:
Once you have received your survey results, review the Culture Toolkit for ideas regarding how you and your team can address each one of the culture constructs.
The Component Baseline Analysis is a perception survey that was created by the KSDE Accreditation and Design Team in partnership with Kansas MTSS and our Educational Service Centers. The purpose of the CBA is to identify district and building-level perception data in six key component areas of continuous school improvement. District level staff will respond to each item for the district only; whereas building level staff will provide their perception for their building and the district for each item.
All systems should conduct a needs assessment at the start of each improvement cycle with opportunities for ongoing data collection and analysis built into the cycle. A robust needs assessment means that you are examining both your quantitative and qualitative data in addition to taking stock of your current work and gathering stakeholder feedback. The Component Baseline Analysis is one tool that you can use to obtain perception feedback from internal, building and district-level certified staff. You can preview the survey items here.
If you are interested in learning more about the survey and how to administer it, review our Administration Overview/Q&A Webinar!
To support you introducing the survey to staff, we are also providing you with an email template that you can copy and modify to meet the messaging needs of your system.
The Family Engagement Survey—Version 2 (FES-2; Gaumer Erickson, et al., 2022) is an online survey to inform district and building leaders about their success at engaging parents in the education of children. The survey is designed to be distributed to every student’s parent or guardian and measures success across five domains:
This survey is based on the PTA National Standards for Family–School Partnerships and is a reliable and valid measurement tool (see the Overview and Instructions document linked in the resources below). The FES-2 is comprised of 20 questions, and it is quick and easy to complete online or by using a paper form if desired (see links below).
Schools administering the survey have access to survey results in real-time and may generate a variety of reports to meet their needs, such as viewing the data by student population subgroups.
School administering the survey through have access to the FES- 2 in 11 languages.
You can watch the overview video here or visit the KPIRC Family Engagment Survey webpage here.
Note, you can always email if you have questions or need help with the survey.
The Kansas State Department of Education is providing perception surveys, free of charge, to schools/districts interested in gathering perception data from students, staff and community members.
The four surveys are designed for students in grades 3 -5, 6-12, district educators and parents. Each respective group will take only one survey.
Each survey is preceded with a letter of explanation and an “opt out” letter for students. School districts may modify the letter if necessary. However, the survey is not to be altered. These surveys have been professionally designed, researched and piloted in Kansas school districts.
Should a system elect to use these surveys, the resulting data could be used as evidence in the accreditation process early in the 5-year cycle. Survey data can be used in the development of improvement plans or to support the outcomes of a district needs assessment.
KSDE will never ask for personally identifiable information related to these surveys. Surveys are to be used solely by schools and districts with the intent of school/district improvement. Any survey data provided to the public is voluntary and should be aggregate data included on a school or district accreditation dashboard or results page.
Schools/districts should feel free to use these surveys and their results as needed. How the surveys are administered – paper/pencil, Survey Monkey, Google Form, etc. – is up to the school/district.
Letter about Educator Survey (docx) Educator Survey (pdf)
Letter about Parent Survey (docx) Parent Survey (pdf)
Letter (to Parents) about Student Survey (docx) Grades 3-5 Student Survey (pdf) Grades 6-12 Student Survey (pdf)
A SUCCESSFUL KANSAS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, employability skills, and civic engagement to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification, or in the workforce without the need for remediation.” Adopted by the Kansas State Board of Education, January 2016
Director of Accreditation and Design Jay Scott 785-296-6818
Assistant Director Myron Melton 785-296-8110
West Regional Executive Amber Miller 620-765-7490
Central Regional Executive Mindy Bruce East Regional Executive Jean Rush 785-296-7884
Administrative Specialist Rue Huereca-Retana 785-296-3379
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