KSDE Weekly

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TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports releases Autism 101

The Kansas State Department of Education Technical Assistance Network (TASN) Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports team recently announced a professional development opportunity that can help staff members who are new to providing services to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other complex learning needs. 

Autism 101 modules provide learners with an overview of the characteristics of autism; how to create an environment that supports the neurology of ASD; the impact of ASD on communication and how to support it; and how to individualize instruction in the area of social engagement. 

This professional development opportunity is flexible. Individuals may complete the modules asynchronously (about three hours to complete). The modules also can be facilitated by a trainer using the annotated Facilitation Guide and slide decks. 

The modules aren’t designed to be a comprehensive course on ASD and/or evidence-based practices. Nor are all strategies covered appropriate for all students. 

Go to https://moodle.tasnatbs.org/, create an account and then access Autism 101. 

For more information, contact Lee Stickle at lees@tasnatbs.org

Posted: Oct 20, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: TASN, Autism
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