The fourth annual Mountain Plains Crunch Off will take place Oct. 12.
This year’s registrants are able to crunch on not only apples, but any local crunchable produce! Kansas is participating in the Mountain Plains Crunch Off with seven other regional states. The Kansas goal is 50,000 crunches statewide. The regional goal is 202,200 crunches.
Celebrate with local produce on Wednesday, Oct. 12, or pick another day in October to participate in the event. Watch for the registration link at www,, Farm to School, What’s New in early August.
Make your event plans now. Crunchable local produce can be found in many places - school/child care gardens, farmer’s market, local distributors or
If you have any questions, contact Barb Depew, KSDE’s Farm to Plate project director, at or call 785-296-0062.
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