Gov. Laura Kelly on Wednesday, May 15, signed House Substitute for Senate Bill 387 into law.
The bill fully funds K-12 education, including special education.
Nine different bills were added into House Sub for SB 387 during the 2024 Kansas Legislative session.
Gov. Kelly line-item vetoed language in the Safe and Secure Schools Grant provision that would have required the funds to only be used for a pilot program with ZeroEyes to add software to existing cameras to identify guns within schools. The $5 million in funding for school safety grants remains, however.
The governor requests the Kansas State Department of Education continue to administer the program as the previous year with the addition of AEDs as allowable expenses. Narcan will no longer be an allowable expense since it is widely available without cost.
Since the legislature adjourned sine die on April 30, there is no opportunity to reconsider the line-item veto, therefore it is sustained.
House Sub for SB 387 will go into effect upon publication in the Kansas Register. To read more about the bill, click here.
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