KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Kindergarten Readiness School Improvement Zoom set for Feb. 21

In 2024-2025 Kansas will begin an updated system of accreditation, focused on structured literacy, a balanced assessment system, standards alignment, and high quality instruction.

Join the Kansas State Department of Education on Wednesday, Feb. 21, for a discussion about kindergarten readiness and school improvement. At this Zoom meeting, KSDE staff will share work to date to ensure that this new model of school improvement and accreditation addresses kindergarten readiness. Participants will be invited to share feedback on the best way to ensure our state continues to improve in the area of kindergarten readiness moving forward.

Click here to register for the Kindergarten Readiness School Improvement Zoom on Wednesday, February 21 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Email Amanda Petersen (apetersen@ksde.org), Natalie McClane (nmcclane@ksde.org) or Stacy Clarke (sclarke@ksde.org) with questions or thoughts related to incorporating kindergarten readiness into the Kansas school improvement model.

Posted: Feb 15, 2024,
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